版權屬 福音證主協會 所有


歌名 首句 試聽
1. 頌讚永不停 (We Give Immortal Praise) 頌讚慈愛天父
2. 求主來臨 (Come Now Almighty King) 天父,求你來臨,治理萬邦萬民;
3. 聖哉三一 (Holy, Holy, Holy!) 聖哉!聖哉!聖哉!
4. 聖哉三一 (Holy, Holy, Holy!) 聖哉,聖哉,聖哉
5. 萬族頌主 (All People That on Earth Do Dwell) 普天之下萬族萬邦,
6. 頌讚我們的神 (How Good Is the God We Adore!) 頌讚我們所尊的神
7. 神在聖殿中 (God Is in His Temple) 上主在祂聖殿,全權全能聖父,
8. 不變真道 (God Has Spoken by His Prophets) 上帝昔藉先知說話
9. 稱頌上主 (Come, Praise the Lord) 稱頌上主,以愛統管群生,
10. 全能真神 (Holy, Holy) 聖哉,聖哉!聖哉, [Midi]
11. 榮歸三一神 (Glorify Thy Name) 父,我們愛你,恭敬的崇拜屈膝;
12. 深知主恩永不盡 (Therefore We Lift Our Hearts) 深知主恩永不盡
13. 天父,我尊崇你 (Father, We Adore You) 天父,我尊崇你
14. 感謝賜恩真神 (Now Thank We All Our God) 感謝賜恩真神,心、手應歌聲讚美,
15. 高歌頌主 (King of Glory, King of Peace) 平安、榮耀、親愛主
16. 至聖上帝 (Holy Art Thou, Our Lord and King) 至聖上帝
17. 稱頌創造主 (I'll Praise My Maker While I've Breath) 我要稱頌創造之神
18. 亞伯拉罕之神 (The God of Abraham Praise) 惟你統管萬方──亞伯拉罕之神
19. 萬福源頭 (Come, O Fount of Every Blessing) 恩典上帝,萬福源頭,
20. 來敬拜謝恩 (O Worship the King) 來敬拜謝恩
21. 齋肅立稱頌主 (Stand Up and Bless the Lord) 齋肅立稱頌主
22. 上主作王 (The Lord Is King! Lift Up Your Voice) 上主作王
23. 我靈頌讚天上君王 (Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven) 我靈頌讚天上君王,
24. 在聖潔中敬拜主 (O Worship the Lord) 當在榮美聖潔中俯伏敬拜上主
25. 真神威嚴可畏 (My God, How Wonderful Thou Art) 主,你使我驚歎讚美
26. 我們敬拜天父 (Gracious God, We Worship Thee) 來敬拜施恩真神
27. 齊歌頌真神 (Sing Praise to the Lord) 齊歌頌真神!高處頌主名:榮光中萬軍, [試聽]
28. 獨一的真神 (Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise) 不朽滅,不可見,獨一的真神,
29. 頌讚永生神 (Praise to the Living God) 同讚美主名稱,頌讚獻永生神,
30. 你信實真廣大 (Great Is Thy Faithfulness) 你信實真廣大
31. 你配受崇拜 (You Are Worthy) 配受崇拜,配受崇拜,
32. 稱頌獨一真神 (God of Gods, We Sound His Praises) 齊來稱頌獨一真神,
33. 歌頌上主 (Sing to God New Songs of Worship) 獻唱新歌稱頌上主,
34. 衷心稱頌上主 (Bless the Lord, O My Soul) 衷心稱頌上主,傾盡我一切尊主為聖! [試聽]
35. 當稱頌主 (Come Bless the Lord) 當稱頌主
36. 哈利路亞!上帝作王 (Alleluia! for the Lord Our God) 哈利路亞!來同聲歡頌
37. 頌神奇恩 (O God, beyond All Praising) 遠超稱頌的真神,今我們獻敬拜,
38. 來讚美我天父 (We Praise You O Father) 來讚美我天父
39. 讚美真神 (Praise Him) 讚美!讚美!
40. 我要感謝上主 (I Will Give Thanks to You) 我要感謝上主,萬國中尊祂聖名, [試聽][Midi]
41. 我尊崇你 (I Exalt Thee) 主,你至尊, [試聽]
42. 歡騰慶賀 (O Clap Your Hands Together) 來歡騰拍掌慶賀
43. 齊來歡頌 (Jubilate Deo) 齊來歡頌,讚美真神 [試聽]
44. 當讚美耶和華 (Praise the Lord (Psalm 150)) 當讚美耶和華,到祂聖所齊頌揚, [試聽]
45. 我們稱頌上主 (We Are Here to Praise You) 我們稱頌上主
46. 讚美真神創造主 (Praise to the Lord, the Almighty) 讚美真神,全能創造主, [試聽]
47. 頌主權能 (I Sing the Mighty Power of God) 我歌頌至高神權能,
48. 播種收成 (We Plough the Fields and Scatter) 農夫辛勞動耕種
49. 一切美麗光明物 (All Things Bright and Beautiful) 一切美麗光明物 [Midi]
50. 一切美麗光明物 (All Things Bright and Beautiful) 一切美麗光明物
51. 這是天父世界 (This Is My Father's World) 這是天父世界,我耳傾聽欣賞, [Midi]
52. 你真偉大 (How Great Thou Art) 上帝我主,當靜思你奇工,
53. 思主奇工 (O Lord of Every Shining Constellation) 主,你展開光輝燦爛的夜空
54. 齊頌讚祂 (Angels Praise Him) 讚美真神!天使歌頌
55. 天恩歌 (Great Are Your Mercies, Heavenly Father) 我天上父親真慈悲啊
56. 歡呼歌頌施恩神 (Let Us with a Gladsome Mind) 我們當存喜樂心
57. 候主得力 (Have You Not Known, Have You Not Heard?) 你豈未知
58. 千古保障 (O God, Our Help in Ages Past) 主是聖徒歷代援助,
59. 不絕讚美真神 (Give to Our God Immortal Praise) 不絕頌恩讚美真神
60. 施恩之神 (Great God of Wonders!) 偉大真神
61. 上帝作為奇妙深奧 (God Moves in a Mysterious Way) 上帝按祂奇妙安排
62. 上帝之愛 (O Love of God, How Strong and True) 上帝愛心真摯
63. 永恆聖光 (Eternal Light! Eternal Light!) 永恆聖父,
64. 永恆聖光 (Eternal Light! Eternal Light!) 純光聖父,
65. 傳揚上帝旨意 (God Is Working His Purpose Out) 上帝按祂旨意運行
66. 榮耀歸於真神 (To God Be the Glory) 榮耀歸於真神,祂成就大事,
67. 神旨意永堅定 (How Sure God's Purpose Is) 神旨意不落空,救恩計劃堅定,
68. 頌主創造美好 (For the Beauty of the Earth) 壯觀輝煌滿穹蒼
69. 神的真道 (Thanks to God Whose Word Was Spoken) 神的真道藉祂工作顯於人間每角落
70. 我心頌主偉大 (Tell Out, My Soul) 我靈揚聲!頌讚上帝偉大!
71. 神慈愛 (Timeless Love!) 神慈愛!越時空界限,
72. 主親作保障 (God Is Our Strength) 主親作保障、力量
73. 上帝威嚴 (The God of Heaven Thunders) 上帝呼喊
74. 仁慈父神 (Father and God) 仁慈父神,你是父親樣式, [試聽]
75. 主是磐石 (God Is Our Shield and God Our Rock) 主是磐石,堅固盾牌,
76. 遠在太初前 (Father, Long Before Creation) 父啊,你遠在太初前
77. 頌讚上帝榮光 (God of Glory) 上帝,我們頌讚你榮光!
78. 誰聖潔像主 (There Is None Holy As the Lord) 主至聖,誰聖潔像祂?
79. 尊主為大 (Ascribe Greatness to Our God the Rock) 榮光歸與主,尊祂為大!
80. 你要安靜 (Be Still and Know That I Am God) 你要安靜,當知我是神, [試聽]
81. 上帝獨生愛子 (Of the Father's Love Begotten) 上帝所愛
82. 頌主慈恩 (O Jesus, King Most Wonderful) 耶穌,奇妙、尊榮之王
83. 榮耀頌讚歸基督 (All Glory, Praise, and Honour) 榮耀、頌讚歸基督,
84. 恩主榮美 (Join All the Glorious Names) 聯合榮美名聲
85. 宇宙同歌頌 (Come, Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs) 齊來響應喜樂頌歌
86. 耶穌最佳美 (Fairest Lord Jesus) 耶穌最佳美,宇宙萬物君王,
87. 同頌救贖主 (O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing) 願萬口千舌同歌唱,
88. 神的慈愛 (Love Divine, All Loves Excelling) 至聖恩愛超越萬愛,
89. 神的慈愛 (Love Divine, All Loves Excelling) 神慈愛,
90. 耶穌的忠僕 (O Servants of God) 耶穌的忠僕
91. 當愛基督 (Let Us Love, and Sing, and Wonder) 當愛基督
92. 主名至寶 (How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds) 耶穌聖名
93. 擁戴耶穌為王 (All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name) 擁戴耶穌權威聖名!
94. 擁戴耶穌為王 (All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name) 擁戴耶穌權威聖名!
95. 耶穌尊名超越萬名 (Jesus! the Name High Over All) 耶穌尊名超越萬名
96. 擁戴榮耀羊羔 (Crown Him with Many Crowns) 擁戴榮耀羊羔!千萬榮冠獻上, [試聽]
97. 頌揚耶穌聖名 (At the Name of Jesus) 萬膝因耶穌名
98. 頌揚耶穌聖名 (At the Name of Jesus) 萬人聞主召聲
99. 稱頌至聖上主 (Praise to the Holiest in the Height) 深淵歌唱
100. 耶穌永不變 (Yesterday, Today, Forever) 昔、今、將來,永遠不變,
101. 頌祂!頌祂! (Praise Him! Praise Him!) 頌祂!頌祂
102. 向耶穌獻頌揚 (When Morning Gilds the Skies) 晨彩淡抹天空
103. 哈利路亞,歌頌耶穌 (Alleluia! Sing to Jesus) 哈利路亞,歌頌耶穌
104. 來信從主耶穌 (We Come, O Christ, to You) 來信從主耶穌,基督、神子、人子,
105. 耶穌尊名奇妙 (His Name Is Wonderful) 耶穌尊名奇妙
106. 耶穌在萬名上 (Jesus, Name Above All Names) 耶穌,名遠超萬名
107. 若非為愛 (Had He Not Loved Us) 若非為愛,祂必不用降世
108. 敬拜尊崇耶穌 (Come, Let Us Worship Christ) 敬拜尊崇耶穌,使榮光歸於天父上帝,
109. 生命、真理、道路 (Christ, the Life, the Truth, the Way) 生命、真理、道路,
110. 唱哈利路亞頌讚主 (Sing Alleluia to the Lord) 唱哈利路亞頌讚主!
111. 榮耀主竟屈尊 (Meekness and Majesty) 柔和謙卑的人
112. 耶穌是君王 (Jesus Is King) 擁戴耶穌!來尊祂為君王!
113. 基督是主 (Name of All Majesty) 威嚴至聖尊稱
114. 我有救贖恩主 (There Is a Redeemer) 我有救贖恩主
115. 主作王 (Our God Reigns) 美好腳蹤
116. 耶穌是主 (Jesus Is Lord) 萬物同頌,傳揚耶穌是君王,
117. 基督配受稱頌 (Worthy, O Worthy Are You Lord) 基督,基督,配受稱頌!
118. 擁戴耶穌 (Jesus, We Enthrone You) 耶穌,我們尊崇你,
119. 向基督歡呼 (All Hail King Jesus) 向基督歡呼
120. 高天述主榮耀 (All Heaven Declares) 高天述說復活基督所顯光輝, [Midi]
121. 向君王歡呼 (Shout for Joy and Sing) 向君王歡呼,來歌唱讚美祂! [試聽][Midi]
122. 和散那 (Hosanna) 和散那,和散那,和散那在至高處! [Midi]
123. 耶穌我主 (Emmanuel) 耶穌我主,耶穌我主,
124. 榮耀的王成肉身 (You Are the King of Glory) 榮耀的王成肉身,和平的君降世,
125. 肅靜迎主 (Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence) 凡有血氣都當肅靜,
126. 眾信徒當歡欣 (Let Christians All Rejoice) 眾信徒當歡欣,心靈和應聲音;
127. 以馬內利,懇求降臨 (O Come, O Come, Emmanuel) 以馬內利,懇求降臨,
128. 兒童頌主誕生 (On This Day, Earth Shall Ring) 在這天,各地方,
129. 聖誕佳音 (The First Nowell) 曠野地方
130. 佳音報牧人 (While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks) 夜間牧人輪更看羊
131. 敬拜基督新生王 (Angels, from the Realms of Glory) 天使從那光榮高處
132. 良辰臨到 (Awake! Salute the Happy Morn) 良辰臨到!快甦醒齊歡欣,
133. 聆聽天使報佳音 (Hark! the Herald Angels Sing) 聆聽天使報佳音︰「新生君王得榮耀!
134. 眾信徒齊歡騰 (O Come, All Ye Faithful) 眾信徒齊歡騰
135. 平安夜 (Silent Night! Holy Night!) 平安夜,聖善夜,多幽靜,多光明,
136. 馬槽聖嬰 (Child in the Manger) 馬槽中聖嬰,馬利亞嬰孩,
137. 敬拜聖嬰 (Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning) 星宿之冠
138. 伯利恆聖嬰 (See, amid the Winter's Snow) 冰天雪地馬槽床
139. 從前大衛城中 (Once in Royal David's City) 從前大衛城中街上
140. 東方博士朝見救主 (We Three Kings of Orient Are) 東方博士朝見救主,
141. 寒冷婁清冬夜 (In the Bleak Mid-Winter) 寒冷婁清冬夜
142. 小伯利恆 (O Little Town of Bethlehem) 小伯利恆,你多安寧,
143. 小伯利恆 (O Little Town of Bethlehem) 小伯利恆寂靜無聲
144. 主離開高天 (Lord, You Left Your Throne) 主離開高天,捨寶座、榮冠,
145. 願蒙主引領 (As with Gladness Men of Old) 昔日博士心歡暢
146. 何等聖嬰 (What Child Is This?) 何等聖嬰 [試聽]
147. 微小聖嬰 (Infant Holy, Infant Lowly) 微小聖嬰,童女胎生,
148. 馬槽歌 (Away in a Manger) 凄清的馬槽裡
149. 馬槽歌 (Away in a Manger) 在遠遠馬槽裡 [Midi]
150. 馬槽歌 (Away in a Manger) 在遠處一馬槽
151. 登山去宣揚喜訊 (Go, Tell It on the Mountain) 登山去宣揚喜訊,跨山過嶺到各地方, [Midi]
152. 豐富的主 (Lord, You Were Rich) 豐富的主,遠超萬般榮耀,
153. 宇宙齊崇拜 (Bow Down, You Stars) 星、月、太陽
154. 神聖嬰孩 (Holy Child, How Still You Lie!) 多安寧,神聖嬰孩馬槽安穩,
155. 星光燦爛 (Sparkling Stars Adorned the Night) 星光燦爛夜漫長
156. 回應救主誕生 (No Frightened Shepherds Now) 沒有牧羊的人
157. 主昔日無居所 (No Room) 在旅店無房間迎聖嬰降臨
158. 歌頌救主誕生 (Come and Sing the Christmas Story) 歌唱主誕生的喜訊
159. 馬棚禾堆上 (See Him Lying on a Bed of Straw) 看哪,祂躺臥在禾草堆
160. 在伯利恆 (Long Time Ago in Bethlehem) 很久以先在伯利恆
161. 基督恩愛 (O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High) 淵深莫測──基督恩愛
162. 求主醫治 (At Evening, When the Sun Had Set) 從前救主醫治施恩
163. 醫治的主 (When to Our World the Saviour Came) 救主往昔親到世上
164. 主降生人間 (Lord, Who Left the Highest Heaven) 基督,你曾離開高天
165. 倒空榮光 (Empty He Came) 倒空榮光
166. 耶穌受難 (There Is a Green Hill Far away) 遙遠地方有一座城
167. 救主受難 (O Sacred Head, Sore Wounded) 耶穌聖首負創傷
168. 主被賣受害 (Ah, Holy Jesus, How Have You Offended?) 耶穌,你究竟如何得罪他人
169. 我要歌頌主愛 (My Song Is Love Unknown) 我要歌頌主愛
170. 耶穌因何流寶血 (Alas! and Did My Saviour Bleed) 我救主何竟傾寶血
171. 耶穌因何流寶血 (Alas! and Did My Saviour Bleed) 耶穌因何傾流寶血,
172. 思念十架 (When I Survey the Wondrous Cross) 每逢靜思耶穌十架,
172. When I survey the wondrous cross (When I Survey the Wondrous Cross) When I survey the wondrous cross
173. 思念十架 (When I Survey the Wondrous Cross) 每思念十架之愛,榮光君王被釘受害,
173. When I survey the wondrous cross (When I Survey the Wondrous Cross) When I survey the wondrous cross
174. 主,我思念你 (Jesus, My Master, at Your Feet Adoring) 我主耶穌
175. 人子耶穌背罪擔 (Man of Sorrows, Wrapt in Grief) 人子耶穌經憂患,單獨面對罪重擔, [試聽]
176. 寶貴救主 (Man of Sorrows! What a Name) 「憂傷人子」祂尊名
177. 奇妙難測之恩 (It Is a Thing Most Wonderful) 難測之恩,奇妙的事,
178. 十架之主 (Cross of Jesus, Cross of Sorrows) 憂患十架、耶穌十架
179. 在主十架恩蔭下 (Beneath the Cross of Jesus) 在主十架恩蔭下
180. 主因我受難 (Ah, Who Would Dare to Smite You?) 啊,誰竟狠心打你
181. 羔羊代價 (No Weight of Gold or Silver) 人靈魂價比天高,遠勝珍寶黃金;
182. 紫袍荊冕 (A Purple Robe) 紫袍荊冠、一根蘆葦一兵丁戲弄耶穌;
183. 君尊義僕 (The Servant King) 貧窮嬰孩天上來 [試聽][Midi]
183. The Servant King (The Servant King) From heav'n You came, helpless Babe [Midi]
184. 請看主榮美 (Come See the Beauty of the Lord) 請看耶穌救主榮美
185. 耶穌為愛受難 (Come and See) 來看祂,來看祂,看耶穌為愛受難; [試聽][Midi]
186. 哈利路亞感謝天父 (Hallelujah, My Father) 哈利路亞,感謝天父
187. 頌主得勝 (The Strife Is O'er) 奮鬥告終
188. 耶穌今日已復活 (Christ the Lord Is Risen Today) 人間天庭同高歌
189. 主在高天掌權 (Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise) 頌揚主升天之日,哈利路亞!
190. 主耶穌復生得勝 (Jesus Lives!) 主耶穌復生得勝
191. 我心確知救主活著 (I Know That My Redeemer Lives) 我心確知救主活著,
192. 眾生中保 (Where High the Heavenly Temple Stands) 上帝居所
193. 主復活 (Christ Arose) 靜臥陰森墳墓──主耶穌基督
194. 榮耀歸與你 (Thine Be the Glory) 得勝的君王,榮耀歸與你! [Midi]
195. 祂是主 (He Is Lord) 主耶穌
196. 基督、救主、君王 (Jesus, Prince and Saviour) 基督、救主、君王
197. 祂如羔羊在刀下 (Led Like a Lamb) 你如羔羊在刀下
198. 稱謝復活主 (Alleluia, Give Thanks to the Risen Lord) 哈利路亞,哈利路亞
199. 普世歡騰 (Joy to the World!) 天下歡慶!
200. 萬國必尊主為王 (Jesus Shall Reign) 陽光所照萬國萬方
201. 歡欣頌主作王 (Rejoice, the Lord Is King!) 歡欣敬拜基督
202. 看,祂駕雲降臨 (Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending) 看,祂駕雲降臨地上;
203. 歷代期望的基督 (Come, O Long-Expected Jesus) 歷代期望,基督耶穌,
204. 仰瞻人子 (Look, You Saints, the Sight Is Glorious!) 信徒,瞻望光輝景象
205. 恭賀受膏者 (Hail to the Lord's Anointed) 來恭賀大衛子孫
206. 我並不知 (I Cannot Tell) 我並不知為何天使的君王, [Midi]
207. 威榮主 (Majesty) 威榮主!當敬拜威榮主!
208. 萬族相聚主前 (Here from All Nations) 萬族萬邦從各方相聚主前
209. 那天臨到 (When the Sun Is Darkened) 日必化黑
210. 新天新地 (Then I Saw a New Heaven and Earth) 我遙觀新的天與地
211. 願耶穌掌權 (Reign, King Jesus, Reign) 願耶穌掌權,天下邦國尊耶穌為王!
212. 主,願你愛親臨 (Come Down, O Love Divine) 主,願你愛親臨
213. 主從天施恩降臨 (O Lord, Who Came from Heaven Above) 高天的主施恩而來,
214. 主從天施恩降臨 (O Lord, Who Came from Heaven Above) 主,你從天施恩降臨
215. 懇求永生上帝的靈 (O Spirit of the Living God) 懇求永生上帝的靈
216. 求聖靈降臨 (O Holy Spirit, Come!) 垂聽禱聲,真神的靈,
217. 主靈氣,吹我心 (Breathe on Me, Breath of God) 主靈氣,吹我心
218. 懇求引領 (O Lord, You Who Direct My Feet) 道路分岔
219. 求聖靈光照 (Open My Eyes, That I May See) 開我眼目,使我看見恩主為我彰顯聖言,
220. 願聖靈使我復興 (Spirit of the Living God) 願聖靈使我復興
221. 讚美聖靈 (Praise the Spirit in Creation) 讚美真神,創造的靈,
222. 真神的靈充滿我 (Spirit of God within Me) 真神的靈充滿我
223. 聖靈的充滿 (Spirit of Holiness) 不改變,永純潔,
224. 求聖靈吹我 (O Holy Spirit Breathe on Me) 清潔的靈,求你吹我,
225. 穹蒼述說真神榮耀 (The Heavens Declare Your Glory, Lord!) 穹蒼述說真神榮耀,
226. 上主恩言 (Father of Mercies) 慈悲父親所賜恩言
227. 堅固根基 (How Firm a Foundation) 主聖徒
228. 上主真道成肉身 (O Word of God Incarnate) 上主真道成肉身
229. 求主擘永生糧 (Break Now the Bread of Life) 求你擘永生糧
230. 靜候主慈聲 (Speak, Lord, in the Stillness) 我在靜中等候主說話慈聲
231. 福音確據 (These Are the Facts) 這就是主所交付的事實
232. 當聽主言 (God Has Spoken to His People) 主已宣告,曉諭百姓,
233. 求主永相偕 (Jesus, the Joy of Loving Hearts) 主耶穌──真光、生命泉
234. 主恩深宏 (Depth of Mercy!) 恩澤深宏傾不盡
235. 歌頌主恩 (A Debtor to Mercy Alone) 我歌頌主盟約之愛
236. 歌頌主恩 (A Debtor to Mercy Alone) 我歌頌主盟約的愛
237. 像我這樣 (Just As I Am) 像我這般:心煩意亂,
238. 主愛眾生 (Priceless Souls, Why Will You Scatter) 珍貴靈魂
239. 聆聽恩愛信息 (I Hear the Words of Love) 聆聽恩愛信息
240. 非靠自己 (Not What These Hands Have Done) 我靈魂得拯救
241. 回應主呼召 (I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say) 我聞耶穌慈聲呼召
242. 回應主呼召 (I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say) 我聞救主耶穌召聲
243. 我來歸從你 (Jesus, I Come) 脫離煩憂、黑夜與捆縛,
244. 萬古磐石 (Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me) 萬古磐石為我裂
245. 我罪得赦免 (God Forgave My Sin) 我罪得赦免,全憑基督名,
246. 贖價已付 (The Price Is Paid) 贖價已付
247. 這愛何等難測 (Amazing Love) 這愛何等難測,使我得釋放,
248. 預備道路 (Make Way) 預備道路
249. 基督是穩固根基 (Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation) 主基督蒙天父揀選,
250. 錫安聖城 (Glorious Things of You Are Spoken) 榮耀美事宣誦不停
251. 教會獨一的基礎 (The Church's One Foundation) 教會獨一的基礎
252. 齊建神殿 (You That Know the Lord Is Gracious) 親嘗主慈恩的信眾
253. 信徒合一 (All Praise to Our Redeeming Lord) 頌讚救主親贖百姓,
254. 上帝必建立教會 (For I'm Building a People of Power) 上帝必建立堅強的教會,
255. 主的居所何等可愛 (How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place (Psalm 84)) 萬軍之主,你居所
256. 信仰頌 (We Believe) 我們信聖父永生神, [試聽]
257. 奉獻聖殿 (We Dedicate This Temple) 今恭敬將這聖殿奉獻歸與聖父:
258. 相交在主愛中 (Blest Be the Tie That Binds) 相交在主愛中
259. 彼此饒恕 (Forgive Our Sins As We Forgive) 你教我呼求
260. 聚集主前 (As We Are Gathered) 我們來崇拜
261. 分享主愛 (Let There Be Love) 讓我們分享主恩愛, [試聽][Midi]
262. 充滿主馨香 (May the Fragrance) 願這地方充滿救主馨香
263. 稱頌恩主 (We Bless the Name of Christ the Lord) 我今稱頌恩主耶穌
264. 別離歌 (God Be with You Till We Meet Again) 願主相偕直到再會面
265. 生命真糧 (O Bread of Life in Mercy Broken) 被釘擘開的生命真糧
266. 以愛回應 (In Love for Me (Communion Song)) 我身體破碎 [Midi]
267. 親與主見面 (Here, O My Lord, I See You Face to Face) 恩主,我如今與你面對面
268. 蒙主邀請而來 (Lord, We Have Come at Your Own Invitation) 主,蒙你邀請
269. 念主捨命之恩 (I Come with Joy to Meet My Lord) 蒙主眷愛、釋放、赦免,
270. 來同心讚美主 (Let Us Praise God Together) 齊來讚美,來同心讚美主,
271. 生命主 (Living Lord) 主,你降臨,謙卑親近人,
272. 共享恩筵 (We Come As Guests Invited) 應基督邀請前來,遵主命享恩筵,
273. 我確知主已復活 (We Know That Christ Is Raised) 我確知道主耶穌已復活,
274. 憑信心領主餐 (Draw Near and Take the Body of the Lord) 憑信心領受聖體和寶血,
275. 婚禮祝頌 (May the Grace of Christ Our Saviour) 願耶穌我主的恩惠,
276. 完善恩愛 (O Perfect Love) 完善恩愛
277. 求賜福佳偶 (Jesus, the Lord of Love and Life) 掌管人生、恩愛的主,
278. 快樂的家 (Happy the Home) 快樂的家,歡迎主耶穌同在,
279. 百般恩愛從主來 (Your Love, O God, Has Called Us Here) 聽你呼召,蒙恩而來,
280. 傳揚福音 (We Have a Gospel to Proclaim) 我們傳揚恩典福音-關乎萬邦普賜萬人:
281. 賜我信心 (Give Me the Faith) 求主賜我專一的信
282. 興起為主 (Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus) 起來,奮興為救主,
283. 高舉十架 (Lift High the Cross) 同宣主愛,將主十架高擎,
284. 趕快傳道 (O Zion, Haste) 當快完成教會崇高大使命,
285. 誰願歸主陣營 (Who Is on the Lord's Side?) 誰願歸主陣營
286. 面對未收的莊稼 (Facing a Task Unfinished,) 面對未收的莊稼
287. 主,垂顧教會的需要 (Lord, Your Church on Earth Is Seeking) 主,垂顧教會的需要,
288. 宇宙之主 (Lord of the Universe, Hope of the World) 宇宙主,生命主,世界盼望,
289. 宣主尊榮 (Declare His Glory) 權威的真神
290. 奉主差遣 (So Send I You) 你們奉差
291. 前來靠主 (To Him We Come) 前來靠主,基督真神子,
292. 願你的國降臨 (Father Eternal, Ruler of Creation) 天上的父神,萬有、宇宙君王,
293. 服侍他人 (Whatsoever You Do to the Least) 你若服侍他人
294. 我心願蒙主光照 (Shine on Me) 我心願蒙主光照
295. 讓你心破碎 (Let Your Heart Be Broken) 讓世界的切需使你心破碎:餓者願得飽足,
296. 萬國當拜祂 (All Authority and Power) 萬國尊位
297. 萬國當拜祂 (All Authority and Power) 萬般權威全歸耶穌
298. 願遵主使命 (We Thank Thee That Thy Mandate) 感謝上主頒使命,千秋萬世不變;
299. 助我們彼此接受 (Help Us Accept Each Other) 助我們彼此接受
300. 用我將你平安栽種 (Make Me a Channel of Your Peace) 用我將你平安栽種
301. 求復興教會 (Revive Your Work, O Lord!) 憐恤、復興教會
302. 振作你心 (Lift Up Your Hearts!) 振作你心
303. 求賜福教會 (God of Grace and God of Glory) 賜恩真神,威榮真神,
304. 教會的主 (Lord of the Church) 教會的主,求你使我們更新 [試聽]
305. 更要盡心 (We Have Not Known You As We Ought) 我未盡心認識恩主
306. 生命靈氣 (O Breath of Life) 生命靈氣,吹我們身心,
307. 慈悲仁愛上帝 (Kind and Merciful God) 慈悲仁愛上帝,你悉察一切事,
308. 我的燈需要油 (Give Me Oil in My Lamp) 我的燈需要油,求恩主常賜,
309. 求主重彰榮耀 (Restore, O Lord, the Honour of Your Name) 願你尊名榮耀重彰世上
310. 願主國降臨 (O Lord, the Clouds Are Gathering) 請看,雲霧積聚遮空,
311. 真光普照 (Shine, Jesus Shine) 愛的光今日照耀人間 [Midi]
312. 挑旺火焰 (Let the Flame Burn Brighter) 同行邁進,踏步祈禱, [試聽]
313. 求主施恩憐憫 (Lord, Have Mercy on Us) 求主施恩憐憫
314. 求主施恩潔淨 (Have Mercy, Lord) 求施恩使我得潔淨,
315. 永生善牧 (My Shepherd Is the Living Lord) 永生善牧愛祂小羊
316. 耶穌你最寶貴 (Jesus, Priceless Treasure) 耶穌你最寶貴
317. 主耶和華是我牧者 (The Lord's My Shepherd) 主耶和華是我牧者
318. 靜思主恩 (When All Your Mercies, O My God) 每當我靈甦醒仰盼
319. 我不以主為恥 (I'm Not Ashamed to Own My Lord) 我並不以主為羞恥
320. 耶穌寶血 (Jesus, Your Blood and Righteousness) 耶穌寶血
321. 歡欣之日 (O Happy Day!) 何等歡欣
322. 我竟蒙恩 (And Can It Be That I Should Gain) 我竟蒙恩,得主憐憫,
323. 隱藏之源 (O Hidden Source of Calm Repose) 主,你是我安息隱源
324. 奇異恩典 (Amazing Grace) 奇異深恩
325. 蒙主揀選 (My Lord, I Did Not Choose You) 主,是你先揀選我
326. 穩固磐石 (My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less) 基督寶血
327. 我要稱頌基督 (I Bless the Christ of God) 我要稱頌基督
328. 跟從耶穌 (O Walk with Jesus) 跟從耶穌
329. 欠主重債 (When This Passing World Is Done) 當塵世如飛逝去
330. 我一生親蒙主引導 (All the Way My Saviour Leads Me) 我一生親蒙主引導,
331. 安穩在耶穌懷內 (Safe in the Arms of Jesus) 安穩在耶穌懷內,惡魔不能害我,
332. 仁愛君王是我善牧 (The King of Love My Shepherd Is) 仁愛君王是我善牧
333. 主賜平安 (Peace, Perfect Peace) 豈有平安
334. 常居屬天的愛中 (In Heavenly Love Abiding) 常居屬天的愛中
335. 祂帶領我 (He Leads My Way) 祂帶領我
336. 別無羊羔 (None Other Lamb) 別無名號
337. 我深知相信的是誰 (I Know Him Whom I Have Trusted) 我不知這奇恩大愛,
338. 真神座前 (Before the Throne of God Above) 在天高處
339. 施恩神是我盼望 (All My Hope on God Is Founded) 施恩神,祂是我盼望,
340. 感謝神 (Thanks to God for My Redeemer) 感謝真神賜我救主
341. 今我永遠屬祂 (Now I Belong to Jesus) 耶穌我救主必永遠愛我,
342. 閃爍的小火花 (Pass It On) 只一點小火花可點燃熾烈火焰,
343. 耶和華是我好牧者 (The Lord Is My Shepherd (Psalm 23)) 耶和華是我好牧者
344. 向山舉目 (I Will Lift My Eyes to the Hills (Psalm 121)) 向山學目仰望上主
345. 藏主翼蔭享平安 (Safe in the Shadow of the Lord) 藏王翼蔭
346. 因耶穌的聖名 (In the Name of Jesus) 因耶穌的聖名
347. 上帝拯救祂子民 (Therefore the Redeemed of the Lord) 聖民因上帝施拯救
348. 交託前路、憂慮 (Surrender All Your Griefs) 將你前路、憂慮交託上主的手
349. 吹散憂慮 (Give to the Winds Your Fears) 當存信心、盼望
350. 靠主引導 (If You But Trust in God to Guide You) 若憑信心
351. 萬變中歌頌主 (Through All the Changing Scenes of Life) 在我人生百般變遷,
352. 安靜你心 (Be Still, My Soul) 安靜你心
353. 耶穌恩友 (What a Friend We Have in Jesus) 耶穌恩友
354. 安靜片刻 (Come Rest a While) 安靜片刻
355. 信靠遵從 (Trust and Obey) 在聖經光照下,與主相交同行,
356. 主必看顧 (God Will Take Care of You) 任何境遇,不必懼怕,
357. 不朽的愛 (Immortal Love, Forever Full) 永不止息,不朽的愛,
358. 當靠主歡樂 (Rejoice in the Lord Always) 你當倚靠主歡樂
359. 耶穌的靈充滿你 (Spirit Song) 願你蒙基督施恩包圍,
360. 主是我異象 (Be Thou My Vision) 主,作我異象,獨掌管我心,
361. 我心三願 (Day by Day) 每一天,每一天,我心三願傾吐主前;
362. 奉主名作工 (Forth in Your Name, O Lord, I Go) 主,我奉你聖名作工,
363. 主愛每晨俱新 (New Every Morning Is the Love) 施恩的愛,每晨俱新:我心甦醒,
364. 全歸耶穌 (All for Jesus) 蒙贖生命,身心、力量,
365. 信靠基督 (I Am Trusting You, Lord Jesus) 我信靠你
366. 耶穌捨己之愛 (Saviour! Thy Dying Love) 耶穌你愛極深,為我捨己,
367. 我已應許 (O Jesus, I Have Promised) 耶穌啊,我已應許要終生事奉你,
368. 我已應許 (O Jesus, I Have Promised) 耶穌啊,我已應許要終生事奉你
369. 我主我神 (Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All) 基督耶穌
370. 我單屬主 (Jesus, Master, Whose I Am) 主耶穌,我單屬你,
371. 獻我一生歸主用 (Take My Life) 獻我一生歸主用,將我身心全獻你,
372. 獻我一生歸主用 (Take My Life) 獻我生命歸恩主,深願身心全歸你,
373. 常偕主同行 (O Master, Let Me Walk with You) 我願常偕我主同行
374. 蒙主俘擄方得釋放 (Make Me a Captive, Lord) 主,我作你戰俘
375. 蒙主俘擄方得釋放 (Make Me a Captive, Lord) 使我作你戰俘
376. 耶穌我君王 (Saviour God, Whose Name Is Jesus) 生命主,耶穌,我君王
377. 主耶穌,我愛你 (My Jesus, I Love You) 主耶穌,我愛你,深知你屬我,
378. 將最好的獻基督 (Give of Your Best to the Master) 最好的當獻與基督,
379. 更深認識主 (More About Jesus Would I Know) 我願認識救主更深,
380. 憑爾意行 (Have Thine Own Way) 照你的心意塑造我心, [Midi]
381. 靠主應許得力 (I Take Your Promise As My Daily Strength) 找靠你應許得日常力量
382. 奉獻一切 (I Surrender All) 我將一切獻與基督
383. 有我救主心志 (May the Mind of Christ My Saviour) 願基督我救主心志每日活在我心中
384. 人生的主 (God of Our Life) 終生時光,我交託你手中
385. 安然靠你 (We Rest on You) 安然靠你
386. 我依靠救主十架 (Jesus, in the Cross I Trust) 我依靠救主十架
387. 置身變動世代 (Beyond the Mist and Doubt) 置身變動世代
388. 我縱不知 (Father, Although I Cannot See) 天父,我今雖不能知你手所領前途
389. 清晨頌禱 (Father, We Praise You) 稱頌我天父:夜盡朝暉初現,
390. 睡前頌禱 (Glory to You, My God) 此夜向主頌讚感恩
391. 雅各的神 (O God of Jacob) 雅各的神,你率列祖往昔安度荒野,
392. 願常稱頌主 (O for a Heart to Praise My God) 我心願能常稱頌主
393. 耶穌,親愛救贖主 (Jesus, Lover of My Soul) 耶穌,親愛救贖主
394. 耶穌,親愛救贖主 (Jesus, Lover of My Soul) 愛我靈的親愛主
395. 求耶和華帶領 (Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah) 求耶和華帶領恩眷, [試聽]
396. 預備心靈到主前 (Come, My Soul, Your Plea Prepare) 預備心靈到主前
397. 虔誠禱告 (Prayer Is the Soul's Sincere Desire) 禱告是獨自向上帝袒露內心意願,
398. 我心太陽 (Sun of My Soul, My Saviour Dear) 仁慈救主
399. 願我一生充滿讚美 (Fill All My Life) 願我一生充滿讚美,
400. 偕我同住 (Abide with Me) 偕我同住
401. 我憑信心仰望 (My Faith Looks up to Thee) 我憑信心仰望十架代罪羔羊-救主基督;
402. 晚禱 (The Day You Gave Us, Lord, Is Ended) 夕陽下山
403. 我天天需要主 (I Need You Every Hour) 我天天需要主,施恩的主,
404. 願聽恩主慈聲 (Lord, Speak to Me) 我願聽見恩主慈聲
405. 願生命如明燈 (God Make My Life a Little Light) 願我生命像小明燈
406. 迎接新歲 (Another Year Is Dawning) 年復一年新歲來
407. 向主感恩祈求 (Lord, for the Years) 主,歷年間,你施恩、保守、帶領, [Midi]
408. 舉目遙觀 (I Lift My Eyes) 舉目遙觀幽靜青山
409. 追憶錫安 (Zion, We Remember You (Psalm 137)) 哀坐異鄉江河旁
410. 主昔日教導眾人 (Lord Jesus, Once You Spoke to Men) 主,昔日你教導眾人
411. 堅固保障 (A Mighty Fortress Is Our God) 施恩真神至終保守
412. 振作心靈 (Awake, Our Souls! Away, Our Fears!) 振作我心
413. 奮力奔天路 (Awake, My Soul, Stretch Every Nerve) 奮發全力
414. 求主振作臂膀 (Awake, O Arm of God, Awake!) 求主奮興
415. 求主使我成長 (I Asked the Lord That I Might Grow) 我求耶穌使我成長
416. 救主耶穌精兵 (Soldiers of Christ, Arise) 救主耶穌精兵
417. 願更親切與主同行 (O for a Closer Walk with God) 願更親切與主同行
418. 願更顯主為大 (May Jesus Always Grow in Me) 我心願常顯主為大
419. 振奮作工 (Go, Labour On) 振奮作工
420. 佳美的仗 (Fight the Good Fight) 全力作戰,打佳美仗,
421. 佳美的仗 (Fight the Good Fight) 全力勇赴佳美的仗
422. 靈戰歌 (Christian! Do You See Them) 信徒,你可看見滿佈天路上, [Midi]
423. 求主教我走你道路 (Teach Me Your Way) 主,求你教導我走你道路,
424. 誰願勇敢盡忠 (Who Would True Courage See?) 誰願勇敢盡忠
425. 願蒙天父帶領 (Lead Us, Heavenly Father) 願蒙天父親自帶領
426. 當我思念你 (Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee) 耶穌,當我每思念你
427. 主愛無邊 (Jesus, Your Boundless Love to Me) 基督,你愛無邊無量
428. 我要愛主 (You Will I Love) 我要盡心、盡力、盡忠愛我恩主
429. 主隱藏的愛 (O Hidden Love of God) 上帝內心隱藏的愛
430. 主不忍棄我 (O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go) 主愛,不忍將我放棄
431. 眾生之神 (Dear Lord and Father of Mankind) 慈悲父親,眾生之神,
432. 單靠主恩 (Not What I Am, O Lord) 單靠主恩
433. 祂降生為愛我 (Living, He Loved Me) 祂降生愛我
434. 瞻望救主 (Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus) 回轉瞻望你救主
435. 主全知我 (Lord, You've Tested Me) 恩主洞察
436. 在羞辱十架上的主 (Lord of the Cross of Shame) 羞恥十架的主
437. 我要以心敬拜神 (With My Heart I Worship You) 我要常以我心靈尊崇耶穌
438. 專一敬畏主名 (Unite My Heart to Fear Your Name) 願我身心、靈性更新
439. 釋放我的靈 (Set My Spirit Free) 釋放我的靈
440. 我專心倚靠你 (I Trust in Thee, O Lord) 我專心倚靠你,我心尊你為主,
441. 主為我捨棄一切 (You Laid Aside Your Majesty) 你將你威嚴撇一旁
442. 耶穌改變我 (Jesus, You Are Changing Me) 耶穌不斷改變我,藉著祂聖靈,
443. 在主前靜默 (Be Still) 靜默在至聖的主跟前, [試聽]
444. 渴慕主 (As the Deer Pants for the Water) 我的心如鹿切慕溪水 [Midi]
445. 求主清除我罪 (Cleanse Me from My Sin, Lord) 求主清除我罪
446. 上主在祂聖殿 (The Lord Is in His Holy Temple) 上主在祂聖殿
447. 我們向主獻敬拜 (Jesus, We All Adore You) 我們向主獻敬拜
448. 宣主榮耀 (Come Let Us Glorify the Lord) 讓我們宣揚主榮耀,
449. 我們尊你為主 (We Praise You, O God) 我們尊你為主
450. 聽我呼求 (Hear Our Prayer, O Lord) 主,聽我呼求
451. 求主帶領 (Lead Me, Lord) 耶和華,依你公義帶領我,
452. 奉獻主所賜 (We Give You but Your Own) 謹將主你所賜,來恭敬獻與你,
453. 我們信靠一真神 (We Believe in One True (Jod) 我們信靠一真神
454. 榮耀歸真神 (Glory to God in the Highest) 榮耀、頌讚歸於真神,
455. 榮耀頌 (Glory Be to the Father) 但願榮耀
456. 榮耀頌 (Glory Be to the Father) 榮耀歸與聖父
457. 求主賜福庇祐 (Lord, Uphold Us with Your Blessing) 天父,懇求賜福庇祐
458. 祝福歌 (The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ) 願耶穌救主的恩典
459. 天天嘗主恩 (Benediction) 願主天天以恩包圍你 [Midi]
460. 三一頌 (Doxology) 讚美真神憐憫賜恩
461. 三一頌 (Doxology) 讚美真神憐憫賜恩
462. 三一頌 (Doxology) 齊來頌讚施恩上帝,
463. 阿們頌 (Amens) 阿們

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本頁更新日期: 06/06/2024
