版權屬 臺灣福音書房 (Taiwan Gospel Book Room) 所有


歌名 首句 試聽
1. 轉向祂的眷顧 (Turn to His Visiting)   [試聽]
2. 極深奧祕,莫測大愛 (The Great Mystery - Unsearchable Love)  
3. 接枝 (Grafting)  
4. 羨慕─順從基督 (Longings - Submit to Christ)  
5. 禱告─在至聖所裡 (Pray - in the Holy of Holies)  
6. 惟一最愛是你 (The Only Love Most Is You)   [試聽]
7. 恩愛不渝 (Romans Chapter 16 Verse 25, 27) 主阿,我在靈裡,享受你的甜美, [試聽]
8. 愛裡與主同工 (Working with Lord in His Love)  
9. 日近一日 (Closer Day by Day)  
10. 在今天,更新奉獻 (Today, Renew Consecration)   [試聽]
11. 西布倫,揚帆起行! (Zebulun, Spread Out the Sail!)  
12. 新耶路撒冷是神恩典的展示 (The New Jerusalem Is the Manifestation of God's Grace)  

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本頁更新日期: 11/04/2024
