版權屬 臺灣福音書房 (Taiwan Gospel Book Room) 所有


歌名 首句 試聽
1. 尋找、光照、接納 (Search, Enighten, Accept)   [試聽]
2. 來向基督讚美歌頌 (Come Praising and Singing to Christ)   [試聽]
3. 醫治之翼 (The Healing Wings)   [試聽]
4. 何處尋祂 (Where Is He My Jesus)  
5. 主,我愛你國度 (I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord)  
6. 我愛,我愛我恩主 (I Love My Master)  
7. 祂來過 (He Has Come)  
8. 佳偶的歌 (The Bridal Song)   [試聽]
9. 愛中牧養 (The Shepherding in Love)  
10. 願一生愛你 (That's Why I Love Him)  
11. 成為聖別 (To Be Holy)   [試聽]
12. 一道生命的水流 (A Living Stream of Life) 一道生命的水流,流自神和羔羊寶座, [試聽]

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Email: info@christianstudy.com

本頁更新日期: 11/04/2024
