版權屬 臺灣福音書房 (Taiwan Gospel Book Room) 所有


歌名 首句 試聽
1. 提摩太前書三章十五至十六節 (First Timothy Chapter 3 Verse 15-16)  
2. 子同著父憑著靈 (The Son with the Father by The Spirit)  
3. 一切變遷中有一位 (There Is One Amid All Changes)  
4. 馬太福音五章三至十節 (Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 3~10)  
5. 主,你得勝 (Lord, Thou Has Won)  
6. 甚麼使你為我捨命 (What Made You Die For Me)  
7. 主,我愛你逐日益深摯 (Lord, I Love You More Each Day)  
8. 我愛我主 (I Love My Lord)  
9. 我在你內,你在我裡 (Lord, I Am in You, You Are in Me)  
10. 有祂無我 (He Is, I'm Not)  
11. 我們向神的信心 (Our Faith to God)  
12. 我們是神救贖子民 (One New Man Is the Father's Plan)  

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Email: info@christianstudy.com

本頁更新日期: 11/04/2024
