
中國 (23) 巴拿馬 (1) 加拿大 (54)
台灣 (28) 印尼 (1) 其他 (67)
南非 (2) 美國 (275) 英國 (5)
香港 (29) 泰國 (1) 紐西蘭 (1)
馬來西亞 (7) 荷蘭 (1) 菲律賓 (2)
新加坡 (7) 緬甸 (1) 澳門 (3)
澳洲 (1) 韓國 (1)

【 中國 】返回 
  1. 大理市基督教培訓中心 •中文•
  2. •地址:中國雲南市古城復興路576號(郵編:671003)
  3. 山東神學院 •中文•
  4. •地址:中國山東省濟南市經二路67號(郵編:250001)
  5. 中南神學院 •中文•
  6. •地址:中國湖北省武漢市武昌區民主路277號(郵編:430061)
  7. 內蒙古培訓班 •中文•
  8. •地址:中國內蒙呼和浩特市新城南街(郵編:010010)
  9. 四川神學院 •中文•
  10. •地址:中國四川省成都市四聖祠北街19號(郵編:610017)
  11. 安徽神學院 •中文•
  12. •地址:中國安徽省合肥市宿州路74號(郵編:230001)
  13. 江西省聖經學院 •中文•
  14. •地址:中國江西省南昌市雲譜區江玲西四路20號(郵編:330001)
  15. 江西聖經舉校 •中文•
  16. •地址:中國江西省南昌市灣里區召賢路229號(郵編:330004)
  17. 東北神學院 •中文•
  18. •地址:中國遼寧省瀋陽市瀋河區北一經街48號(郵編:110014)
    •電話:024-2829367 或 4333251
  19. 河北省基督教培訓中心 •中文•
  20. •地址:中國河北省石家莊市北外環路東古城村北(郵編:050041)
  21. 河南神學院 •中文•
  22. •地址:中國河南省鄭州市漢川街23號(郵編:450000)
  23. 金陵協和神學院 •中文•
  24. •地址:中國江蘇省南京市大鍆銀巷17號(郵編:210029)
  25. 浙江神學院 •中文•
  26. •地址:中國浙江省杭州市濱江區西興鎮十甲路(郵編:310009)
  27. 陝西聖經舉校 •中文•
  28. •地址:中國陝西省西安市雁塔區丈八鄉東辛莊(郵編:710077)
  29. 湖南聖經舉校 •中文•
  30. •地址:中國湖南省長沙市效區馬王堆新橋村(郵編:410001)
  31. 華東神學院 •中文•
  32. •地址:中國上海市五原路71號(郵編:200031)
  33. 貴州省基督教神學院(六舟水市) •中文•
  34. •地址:中國貴州省貴陽市黔靈西路68號•經貴州省基督教兩會轉(郵編:550001)
  35. 雲南省基督教神學院 •中文•
  36. •地址:中國雲南省昆明市昆沙路59號(郵編:650101)
    •電話:0871-8182558 或 8182779
  37. 黑龍江省聖經培訓中心 •中文•
  38. •地址:中國哈爾濱市南崗區革新街139號•經黑龍江省兩會轉交(郵編:150001)
  39. 福建神學院 •中文•
  40. •地址:中國福建省福州市倉山區樂群路16號(郵編:350007)
  41. 廣州協同神學院 •中文•
  42. •電郵:gduts@yahoo.com.cn
  43. 廣東協和神學院 •中文•
  44. •地址:中國廣東省廣州市沙面大街69號(郵編:510130)
    •電話:020-81867950 或 81907571
  45. 燕京神學院 •中文•
  46. •地址:中國北京市海淀區青河鎮濱河路(郵編:100085)
【 巴拿馬 】返回 
  1. 巴拿馬建道聖經學院(Alliance Bible School of Central and South America) •中文•
  2. •地址:P.O. Box. Aptdo 0819-08045 Dorado, Panama city, Republic of Panama / San Pedro, Cerro Azul, Republic of Panama.
    •電話:(507) 297-0085
    •傳真:(507) 297-0086
【 加拿大 】返回 
  1. Acadia Divinity College, Acadia University •英文•
  2. •地址:Wolfville, Nova Scotia
  3. Associated Canadian Theological Schools (ACTS) •英文•
  4. •地址:7600 Glover Road Langley, BC, V2Y 1Y1
    •電話:(604) 513-2044 or Toll Free: 1-888-687-ACTS (2287)
  5. Associated Canadian Theological Schools (ACTS) •英文•
  6. •地址:Vancouver, British Columbia
  7. Atlantic School of Theology •英文•
  8. •地址:Halifax, Nova Scotia
  9. Briercrest Biblical Seminary •英文•
  10. •地址:510 College Dr. Caronport, Saskatchewan Canada S0H 0S0
    •電話:(306) 756-3200
  11. Canadian Baptist Seminary •英文•
  12. •地址:Langley, British Columbia
  13. Canadian Bible College / Canadian Theological Seminary •英文•
  14. •地址:4400 Fourth Avenue, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4T 0H8
    •電話:(306) 545-1515
    •傳真:(306) 545-0210
    •簡介:Canadian Bible College and Canadian Theological Seminary are located in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. They are the denominational schools of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada.
  15. Canadian Institute for Global Advancement Bible Studies Cent •英文•
  16. Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary •英文•
  17. Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary •英文•
  18. •地址:Cochrane, Alberta
  19. Canadian Theological Seminary •英文•
  20. •地址:4400 Fifth Avenue Regina, Sask. S4T OH8
    •電話:(306) 545-1515
  21. Canadian Theological Seminary •英文•
  22. •地址:Regina, Saskatchewan
  23. Edmonton Baptist Seminary •英文•
  24. •地址:Edmonton, Alberta
  25. Emmanuel Bible College •英文•
  26. Emmanuel College of Victoria University •英文•
  27. •地址:Toronto, Ontario
  28. Grand Seminaire de Montreal •法文•
  29. •地址:Montreal, Quebec
    •簡介:Founded in 1840 directed by the Sulpician Fathers which offers a two year Philosophy program including an introductory propadeutic year, a four year theology program which includes an internship year leading to a B. Th and M. Div.
  30. Grand Seminaire de Quebec •英文•
  31. •地址:Quebec City, Quebec
  32. Huron College Faculty of Theology •英文•
  33. •地址:London, Ontario
  34. Knox College •英文•
  35. •地址:Toronto, Ontario
  36. McGill University Faculty of Religious Studies •英文•
  37. •地址:Montreal, Quebec
  38. McMaster Divinity College •英文•
  39. •地址:Hamilton, Ontario
  40. Montreal Diocesan Theological College •英文•
  41. Montreal Diocesan Theological College •英文•
  42. •地址:Montreal, Quebec
  43. Newman Theological College •英文•
  44. •地址:Edmonton, Alberta
  45. North Baptist College & Seminary •英文•
  46. Prairie Bible Institute •英文•
  47. Providence College And Theological Seminary •英文•
  48. •電話:(204) 433-7488
  49. Queen's College, Memorial University of Newfoundland •英文•
  50. •地址:St. John's, Newfoundland
  51. Queen's Theological College, Queen's University •英文•
  52. •地址:Kingston Ontario K7L 3N6, Canada
    •傳真:(613) 545-2110
  53. Regent College •英文•
  54. •地址:Vancouver, British Columbia
  55. Regis College •英文•
  56. •地址:Toronto, Ontario
  57. St. Andrew's College, University of Manitoba •英文•
  58. •地址:Winnipeg, Manitoba
  59. St. Augustine's Seminary •英文•
  60. •地址:Scarborough, Ontario
  61. St. Peter's Seminary •英文•
  62. •地址:London, Ontario
  63. St. Stephen's Theological College, University of Alberta •英文•
  64. •地址:Edmonton, Alberta
  65. The Presbyterian College •英文•
  66. Toronto Baptist Seminary •英文•
  67. •地址:Toronto, Ontario
  68. Toronto School of Theology •英文•
  69. •地址:Toronto, Ontario
  70. Trinity College Faculty of Divinity, University of Toronto •英文•
  71. •地址:Toronto, Ontario
  72. Trinity Western Seminary •英文•
  73. Tyndale College & Seminary •英文•
  74. •地址:25 Ballyconnor Court North York, Ont. M2M 4B3
    •電話:(416) 226-6380
  75. Tyndale Seminary •英文•
  76. •地址:Toronto, Ontario
  77. United Theological College •英文•
  78. •地址:Montreal, Quebec
  79. University of St. Michael's College Faculty of Theology •英文•
  80. •地址:Toronto, Ontario
  81. University of Winnipeg Faculty of Theology •英文•
  82. •地址:Winnipeg, Manitoba
  83. University Saint Paul •英文•
  84. •地址:223 Main Street, Ottawa ON K1S 1C4, Canada
    •電話:(613) 236-1393
    •傳真:(613) 782-3005
    •簡介:With the largest Christian studies library in Canada, Saint Paul University is also one of the world's major Canon Law resources.
    •課程:BA to Ph D and STD in theology
  85. Vancouver School of Theology •英文•
  86. •地址:Vancouver, British Columbia
  87. Waterloo Lutheran Seminary •英文•
  88. Waterloo Lutheran Seminary •英文•
  89. •地址:Waterloo, Ontario
  90. Wycliffe College •英文•
  91. •地址:Toronto, Ontario
  92. 加拿大克里威廉神學院(Carey Theological College) •中、英文•
  93. •地址:5920 Iona Drive, Vancouver B.C., V6T 1J6, Canada
    •電話:(604) 224-4308
    •傳真:(604) 224-5014
    •簡介:克里威廉神學院於一 九八零年代成立,是一所強調普世宣教和教會牧養的福音 派神學院。本院開辦之課程包括信徒領袖證書及文憑課程 、教牧學碩士及教牧學博士課程,頒授之學位均由北美聯 合神學教育院校協會 (Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada) 認可。學 院提供「教牧學碩士 (主修北美華人事工)」,為有心志投身全時間或部份時間 牧養事奉之弟兄姊妹而設。課程的重點在於裝備學員的事 奉技能、操練屬靈生命成長、培育個人品格及教牧事奉之 專業操守。由於北美華人教會的獨特處境需要,我們盼望 能揉合東西方神學教育之所長,提供學術、靈命與實踐並 重的神學訓練。教牧學碩士 (主修北美華人事工) 的學科 主要以中文授課或提供即時傳譯、中文小組導修等服務。
  94. 加拿大建道中心(Alliance Bible Seminary Centre of Canada) •中文、英文•
  95. •地址:80 Acadia Ave., Suite 208 Markham, Ontario, L3R 9V1, Canada
    •電話:(905) 477-8337
    •傳真:(905) 477-8337
  96. 加拿大福音神學院(Canada Chinese Evangelical Seminary) •中、英文•
  97. •地址:P.O.Box 23203 CP Des Boulevard Laval, Laval, H7N 6K1, Quebec, Canada
    •簡介:加拿大福音神學院( CCES)是專為世界各地華人集教育和培訓一體的學院。在 新約紀元的開始,主基督就召了教會和牧師去教育和訓導 他的子民事奉。CCES相信今天在各教會中一切神職工作都 是上帝所允許來完成他的旨意,CCES因此而成為配合教會 使命的通道。
  98. 加拿大維真神學院(Regent College) •英文•
【 台灣 】返回 
  1. 中台神學院(Central Taiwan Theological Seminary) •中文•
  2. •地址:台灣台中市北區404雙十路二段45巷5號
    •電話:(04) 2223530
    •傳真:(04) 2243136
  3. 中華信義神學院(China Lutheran Seminary) •中文•
  4. •地址:台灣新竹市大學路51巷11號
    •電話:(03) 571-0023
    •傳真:(03) 572-6425
  5. 中華福音神學院(China Evangelical Seminary) •中文•
  6. 中福神學研究所 •中文•
  7. •電話:(02) 2896 5713,轉21
  8. 中福神學研究所 •中文•
  9. •地址:台灣台北市北投區中和街49號3樓
    •電話:(02) 2896-5713
    •傳真:(02) 2896-5360
  10. 台南神學院(Tainan Theological College and Seminary) •中文•
  11. •地址:台灣台南市701東門路一段117號
    •電話:(06) 237-12914
    •課程:牧範學博士(D. Min.)、神學研究所(M. Div.)、宗教社會工作研究所(M.A.R.S.W.)、教會音樂研究所、七年一貫制神學系(M. Div.)、宗教文學士(B.A.R)、信徒神學系
  12. 台灣宣道神學院(Taiwan Alliance Theological College) •中文•
  13. •地址:台灣台北市中山區10437遼寧街83號
    •地址:P.O. Box 34-206 Taipei 104, Taiwan, R.O.C.
    •電話:(02) 7411946
    •傳真:(02) 27813707
  14. 台灣浸信會神學院(Taiwan Baptist Theological Seminary) •中文•
  15. •地址:台灣台北市信義區吳興街394巷1號
    •電話:(02) 2723 9500 或 (02) 2720 7824
    •傳真:(02) 2722-4646
  16. 台灣浸宣神學院 Taiwan Conservative Baptist Seminary •中文•
  17. •地址:台灣雲林縣西螺鎮文昌路107號
    •電話:(05) 5866-164 或 (05) 5868-164
    •傳真:(05) 5862-164
  18. 台灣神學院(Taiwan Theological College and Seminary) •中文•
  19. •電話:(02) 2882-2370
    •傳真:(02) 2881-6940
  20. 台灣基督長老教會聖經學院(Presbyterian Bible College) •中文•
  21. •地址:台灣新竹市高峰路56號
    •電話:(03) 521-7125
    •傳真:(03) 522-4595
  22. 玉山神學院 •中文•
  23. •地址:台灣974 花蓮縣壽豐鄉池南村池南路一段28號
    •電話:(03) 864-1101~2
    •傳真:(03) 864-1104
    •簡介:本院於1946年設立, 係以基督福音為根基,培育原住民族教會傳道人,及具有 不同專業訓練之基督徒,在教會與社會服事,參與上帝國 之宣教;並致力原住民族社會與文化研究,從事實況化神 學之建構,以求上帝國落實於原住民族社會。
  24. 伯特利聖經書院(Puli Bethel Bible School) •中文•
  25. •電郵:bethelpl@ms32.hinet.net
  26. 改革宗神學院(China Reformed Theological Seminary) •中文•
  27. •地址:台北市南京路四段75巷30號
    •地址:30, Ln 75, Nan King East Road, Sec. 4, Taipei, Taiwan
    •電話:(8862) 2718 7735
    •傳真:(852) 2713 1124
  28. 亞洲浸信會神學研究院 A. B. G. T. S. •中文•
  29. •電郵:tbts@ms2.hinet.net
  30. 拓荒宣教神學院(Church Planting Evangelical Seminary) •中文•
  31. •地址:台灣桃園縣龍潭鄉建國路95巷2號
    •電話:(03) 489-9394
  32. 客家宣教神學院 •中文•
  33. •地址:台灣(310)新竹縣竹東鎮東寧路二段11巷4樓
    •電話:(02) 886-3-5944716
    •傳真:(02) 886-3-5100292
    •簡介:客家宣教神學院的宗 旨是『培育客家宣教全職工人、提供教會基層宣教訓練、 進行客家拓植宣教研究』。客家未得之民之宣教工作,長 期來缺乏專責之訓練機構,300萬客家未得之民,也是屬 於世界宣教的一環,客家族群的得救需要,與任何一個族 群的得救同等重要。而特定族群的宣教就更需尋求有特定 負擔的人士投入關懷,請有負擔的青年及同工、退休兄姐 來投考本院。關心未得之民原是每一基督徒的責任。而客 家未得之民長期來未有專責之機構團體關心投入,直到 1978年一群關心客家百姓得救的基督徒成立了『全球客家 福音協會』。協會除在傳遞客家百姓得救之異象及文化傳 承上努力外,亦協助、支援客家地區教會之增長。直到 1999年10月4日至6日,『全球客家福音協會』與『2000年 福音運動辦公室』、『世界展望會』,舉辦了『客家宣教 諮詢會議』---討論如何面對300萬客家未得之民,有眾多 牧長、宣教師前來參與,經過一同禱告、討論、分享,得 一結論:需成立客家宣教學院積極培育客家宣教人才,突 破文化傳統之障礙,來得到客家未得之民,以建立有世界 宣教負擔的教會。因此,於1999年正式成立客家宣教學院 ,2002年改名為客家宣教神學院(簡稱客神)。
  34. 拿撒勒人會神學院 •中文•
  35. •地址:台灣台北市北投區關渡里聖景路100號
    •電話:(02) 858 2784 或 (02) 858 3602
    •傳真:(02) 858 2611
  36. 浸信會神學院 T. B. T. S. •中文•
  37. •電郵:tbtssem@ms13.hinet.net
  38. 海外宣教神學院 •中文•
  39. •地址:台灣台北縣三重市興德路123-7號三樓(原光復路二段)
    •電話:(02) 8512 4242
    •傳真:(02) 8512 4246
  40. 真道聖經學院 •中文•
  41. •地址:台灣台北市和平東路二段263號地下樓
    •電話:(02) 754 8711
    •傳真:(02) 325 5044
  42. 神召神學院(Assemblies of God School of Theology) •中文•
  43. •地址:台灣台中市408南屯區中台路366號
    •電話:(04) 2389 1006, 2382 0279
    •傳真:(04)2389 3451
  44. 基督門徒訓練學院(Christ's Disciples Training Institute) •中文•
  45. •地址:台灣205 基隆市暖暖區源遠路297巷100號
    •地址:No. 100. Lane 297 Yuan-Yeuan Rd., Nuan-Nuan District, Keelung City, Taiwan 205, R.O.C.
    •電話:(02) 2459-0700
    •傳真:(02) 2459-0699
    •簡介:本院由吳勇長老創立 於1981年(原名「基督門徒訓練中心」,自1998年4月更 名為「基督門徒訓練學院」。)以培育具有基督門徒心志 ,清楚蒙召, 願終身以祈禱傳道為事者,完成工人教育 、全人教育、及 使命教育、從事國內外牧會、宣教、教 導工作為宗旨。
  46. 聖光神學院(Holy Light Theological Seminary) •中文•
  47. •地址:台灣[80050]高雄市河南二路2號
    •地址:P.O.Box 270 Kaohsiung Taiwan R.O.C
    •電話:(07) 9537090
    •傳真:(07) 9537333
  48. 道生神學院(Tao Sheng Seminary) •中文•
  49. •地址:台灣台北市北投區中和街錫安巷112號
    •電話:(02) 2892 2836
    •傳真:(02) 2894 3284
    •簡介:以更堅強的佈道、差傳精神,與眾教會同心建造一所高水準的宣道神學院;為台灣教會訓練佈道、開拓、差傳及牧會的傳道人,並為中國大陸宣教造就一批 從事大陸宣教的傳道人。
  50. 衛理神學研究院(The Methodist Graduate School of Theology) •中文•
  51. •地址:台灣台北市文山區仙岩路22巷31號1樓
    •地址:1Fl., No. 31, Lane 22, Shianyan Rd., Wenshan Chiu, Taipei, Taiwan 116, R.O.C.
    •電話:(02) 8663-3488
    •傳真:(02) 2933-6545
    •課程:哲學博士(教牧神學與諮商)、教牧學博士(D. Min.)、教牧諮商神學碩士(M. Th.)、道學碩士(M. Div.)、教牧諮商碩士(M.A.P.C.)、聖工碩士(M.A.C.M.)
  52. 聯邦國際大學(Comon Wealth International University Institute of Religions) •中文•
  53. •地址:台灣台北市延平北路五段313號3樓
    •地址:P.O.Box 35541, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A [Taiwan: 3F.313. Yen Ping N, Rd., Sec 5. Taipei, Taiwan]
    •電話:(02) 2811 6285 或 (02) 2812 9359
    •傳真:(02) 2812 4974
  54. 靈糧教牧宣教神學院(Ling Leung Pastoral and Missionary Theological Seminary) •中文•
  55. •地址:台灣台北市文山區萬美街二段82號2樓之3
    •電話:(02) 89315200 ext 404
    •傳真:(02) 8663 9311
【 印尼 】返回 
  1. Asia Graduate School of Theology •印尼文•
  2. •地址:P.O. Box 4/YKAP, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
    •簡介:The Asia Graduate School of Theology (AGST), a post graduate theological school, was founded on June 22, 1984 when nineten delegates from fifteen seminaries and seven Asian countries met together in Hong Kong.
    •課程:Master of Arts, Master of Theology in Asian Religions
【 其他 】返回 
  1. Alpha-Omega Seminary •英文•
  2. Azusa Pacific University •英文•
  3. Baptist Bible College and Seminary •英文•
  4. Berean University of the Assemblies of God •英文•
  5. •簡介:Accredited Distance Education Bible College and University serving ministers, ministerial candidates, and laity with Bible courses, diplomas, and degree level programs for the past 50 years.
  6. Biblical Theological Seminary •英文•
  7. Biola University •英文•
  8. Cambridge Graduate School •英文•
  9. CETC Unlimited, Inc. •英文•
  10. Charismatic Episcopal Church •英文•
  11. Columbia Biblical Seminary & Graduate School of Missions •英文•
  12. Cornerstone College •英文•
  13. Crown College •英文•
  14. Drew University •英文•
  15. East European Postgraduate School of Theology •英文•
  16. Eastern Pentecostal Bible College •英文•
  17. Emmanuel School of Religion •英文•
  18. Erskine College and Theological Seminary •英文•
  19. Faith Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary •英文•
  20. Gardner-Webb University •英文•
  21. Gordon College •英文•
  22. ICAA •英文•
  23. International Theological Seminary •英文•
  24. Jacksonville Theological Seminary •英文•
  25. King of Kings College •英文•
  26. Lancaster Bible College and Graduate School •英文•
  27. Liberty University •英文•
  28. Lincoln Christian College and Seminary •英文•
  29. Maryland Bible College and Seminary •英文•
  30. Miami Bible Institute •英文•
  31. Nazarene Theological Seminary •英文•
  32. Nebraska Christian College •英文•
  33. New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary •英文•
  34. New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary •英文•
  35. North Park College & Seminary •英文•
  36. North Park Theological Seminary •英文•
  37. Northwest Graduate School of Ministry •英文•
  38. Oral Roberts University •英文•
  39. Philadelphia College of Bible •英文•
  40. Priestly Vocations, Diocese of Trenton •英文•
  41. Protestant Institute for Mission Studies •英文•
  42. Protestant Reformed Theological School •英文•
  43. Reformed Institute for Christianity and 21 Century •英文•
  44. Reformed Theological College •英文•
  45. Reformed Theological Seminary •英文•
  46. Regent University •英文•
  47. Rogationists on the Net •英文•
  48. Saint Louis Christian College •英文•
  49. San Diego Theological Seminary •英文•
  50. School of Bible Theology - Undergraduate/Graduate Pentecosta •英文•
  51. Seminario Teologico Sul Americano •英文•
  52. Simpson Graduate School •英文•
  53. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary •英文•
  54. Southern California College •英文•
  55. Southern Christian University •英文•
  56. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary •英文•
  57. St. Joseph Abbey •英文•
  58. The King's Seminary •英文•
  59. Theological College of the Canadian Reformed Churches •英文•
  60. Toronto Baptist Seminary & Bible College •英文•
  61. Trinity College & Theological Seminary •英文•
  62. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School •英文•
  63. Trinity Graduate School •英文•
  64. 三一神學院(Trinity Theological Seminary) •英文•
  65. 三一福音神學院(Trinity Evangelical Seminary of Florida) •英文•
  66. 基督教與廿一世紀歸正神學院(Reformed Institute for Christianity and 21Century) •中文•
  67. 維斯敏斯特神學院(Westminster Theological Seminary) •英文•
  68. 環球拓展學院聖經研究中心(Canadian Institute for Global Advancement Biblical Studies Centre) •中文•
【 南非 】返回 
  1. Baptist Theological College •英文•
  2. Faculty of Theology, University of Zululand •英文•
【 美國 】返回 
  1. (The) Claremont Graduate School, Program in Religion •英文•
  2. •地址:CA
  3. (The) General Theological Seminary •英文•
  4. •地址:NY
  5. Abilene Christian University, College of Biblical and Family Studies •英文•
  6. •地址:TX
  7. American Baptist Seminary of the West •英文•
  8. •地址:CA
  9. American Bible College and Seminary •英文•
  10. •地址:OK
  11. Anderson University School of Theology •英文•
  12. •地址:Indiana
  13. Andersonville Baptist Seminary •英文•
  14. •地址:GA
  15. Andover Newton Theological School •英文•
  16. •地址:MA
  17. Aquinas Institute of Theology •英文•
  18. •地址:MO
  19. Archbishop Ireland Memorial Library •英文•
  20. Ashland Theological Seminary •英文•
  21. •地址:OH
  22. Assemblies of God Theological Seminary •英文•
  23. •地址:MO
    •課程:Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Christian Ministry, M.A. in Counseling, M.A. in Intercultural Ministries, M.A. in Theological Studies, Doctor of Ministry
  24. Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary •英文•
  25. •地址:Indiana
  26. Athenaeum of Ohio •英文•
  27. •地址:OH
  28. Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary •英文•
  29. •地址:TX
  30. Baptist Bible Seminary •英文•
  31. •地址:PA
  32. Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary •英文•
  33. •地址:TX
  34. Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond •英文•
  35. •地址:VA
  36. Baylor University •英文•
  37. Beeson Divinity School, Samford University •英文•
  38. •地址:AL
  39. Berkeley Divinity School •英文•
  40. •地址:Connecticut
  41. Bethany Bible College and Theological Seminary •英文•
  42. •地址:Alabama
  43. Bethany Theological Seminary •英文•
  44. •地址:Indiana
  45. Bethel College and Seminary •英文•
  46. •地址:3949 Bethel Drive, St. Paul, Minnesota 55112, U.S.A.
    •課程:Master of Arts, Master of Divinity, Doctoral Programs
  47. Bethel Seminary, San Diego •英文•
  48. •地址:CA
  49. Bethel Theological Seminary •英文•
  50. •地址:MN
  51. Bexley Hall •英文•
  52. •地址:NY
  53. Biblical Life Seminary •英文•
  54. •地址:MO
  55. Bob Jones University, School of Religion •英文•
  56. •地址:SC
  57. Boston College, Department of Theology •英文•
  58. •地址:MA
  59. Boston Theological Institute •英文•
  60. •地址:MA
  61. Boston University School of Theology •英文•
  62. •地址:MA
  63. Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University •英文•
  64. •地址:TX
  65. Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary •英文•
  66. •地址:PA
  67. Calvary Bible College and Theological Seminary •英文•
  68. Calvary Theological Seminary •英文•
  69. •地址:MO
  70. Calvin College •英文•
  71. Calvin Theological Seminary •英文•
  72. •地址:MI
  73. Candler School of Theology, Emory University •英文•
  74. •地址:GA
  75. Capital Bible Seminary •英文•
  76. Catholic Theological Union •英文•
  77. •地址:IL
  78. Catholic University of America, School of Religious Studies •英文•
  79. •地址:DC
  80. Central Baptist Theological Seminary •英文•
  81. Central Baptist Theological Seminary •英文•
  82. •地址:Kansas
  83. Central Baptist Theological Seminary •英文•
  84. •地址:Minneapolis, Minnesota
  85. Chafer Theological Seminary •英文•
  86. •地址:CA
  87. Chapman School of Religious Studies at Oakland City University •英文•
  88. •地址:Indiana
  89. Chicago Theological Seminary •英文•
  90. •地址:IL
  91. Christian Bible Seminary •英文•
  92. •地址:MO
  93. Christian Theological Seminary •英文•
  94. •地址:Indiana
  95. Church Divinity School of the Pacific •英文•
  96. •地址:CA
  97. Church of God Theological Seminary •英文•
  98. •地址:TN
  99. Cincinnati Bible Seminary •英文•
  100. •地址:OH
  101. Claremont School of Theology •英文•
  102. •地址:CA
  103. Colgate Rochester Divinity School/Bexley Hall/Crozer Theological Seminary •英文•
  104. •地址:NY
  105. Columbia Biblical Seminary & Grad. School of Missions •英文•
  106. •地址:P.O. Box 3122 Columbia, SC 29230-3122
    •電話:(803) 754-4100
  107. Columbia Evangelical Seminary •英文•
  108. •地址:WA
  109. Columbia Theological Seminary •英文•
  110. •地址:701 Columbia Drive - Decatur, Georgia 30030
  111. Concordia Seminary •英文•
  112. •地址:MO
  113. Concordia Theological Seminary •英文•
  114. •地址:Indiana
  115. Covenant Theological Seminary •英文•
  116. •地址:MO
  117. Cranmer Theological House •英文•
  118. •地址:LA
  119. Creighton University, Graduate School, Department of Theology •英文•
  120. •地址:NE
  121. Denver (Conservative Baptist) Seminary •英文•
  122. •地址:P.O. Box 10,000 Denver, CO 80250
    •電話:(303) 761-2482
  123. Disciples' Institute of Biblical Studies •英文•
  124. Divine Word College Seminary •英文•
  125. •地址:IA
  126. Dominican House of Studies •英文•
  127. •地址:DC
  128. Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology •英文•
  129. •地址:CA
  130. Drew University Theological Seminary •英文•
  131. •地址:NJ
  132. Duke University Divinity School •英文•
  133. •地址:NC
  134. Duquesne University, McAnulty Graduate School of Liberal Arts •英文•
  135. •地址:PA
  136. Earlham School of Religion •英文•
  137. •地址:Indiana
  138. Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary •英文•
  139. •地址:PA
  140. Eastern Mennonite Seminary, Eastern Mennonite University •英文•
  141. •地址:VA
  142. Ecumenical Theological Seminary •英文•
  143. •地址:MI
  144. Eden Theological Seminary •英文•
  145. •地址:475 East Lockwood Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63119, U.S.A.
    •電話:(314) 961-3627
    •傳真:(314) 961-9063
  146. Edmonton Baptist Seminary •英文•
  147. •地址:11525 - 23rd Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T6J 4T3
    •電話:(403) 437-1960
  148. Elim Bible Institute •英文•
  149. Emmanuel School of Religion •英文•
  150. •地址:TN
  151. Episcopal Divinity School •英文•
  152. •地址:MA
  153. Episcopal Divinity School •英文•
  154. •地址:MA
  155. Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest •英文•
  156. •地址:TX
  157. Erskine Theological Seminary •英文•
  158. •地址:SC
  159. Evangelical School of Theology •英文•
  160. •地址:PA
  161. Faith Baptist Bible Seminary •英文•
  162. •地址:IA
  163. Faith Evangelical Lutheran Seminary •英文•
  164. •地址:WA
  165. Faraston Theological Seminary •英文•
  166. Fordham University School of Religion and Religious Education •英文•
  167. •地址:NY
  168. Franciscan School of Theology •英文•
  169. •地址:CA
  170. Friends University, Graduate Liberal Arts & Sciences •英文•
  171. •地址:Kansas
  172. Gardner-Webb University School of Divinity •英文•
  173. •地址:NC
  174. Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary •英文•
  175. •地址:IL
  176. George W. Truett Theological Seminary •英文•
  177. •地址:TX
  178. Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary •英文•
  179. •地址:CA
  180. Golden State School of Theology •英文•
  181. •電郵:gsst@poboxes.com
  182. Golden State School of Theology •English•
  183. •地址:P.O. Box 9266, Stockton, CA 95208
  184. Gonzaga University Department of Religious Studies •英文•
  185. •地址:WA
  186. Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary •英文•
  187. •地址:130 Essex Street South Hamilton, MA 01982
    •電話:(978) 468-7111
  188. Grace College and Theological Seminary •英文•
  189. •地址:200 Seminary Drive Winona Lake, IN 46590
    •電話:(219) 372-5100
  190. Grace Theological Seminary •英文•
  191. •地址:Indiana
  192. Graduate Theological Union •英文•
  193. •地址:CA
  194. Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary •英文•
  195. •地址:1001 East Beltline NE Grand Rapids, MI 49525
    •電話:(616) 222-1422
  196. Haggard Graduate School of Theology, Azusa Pacific University •英文•
  197. •地址:CA
  198. Harding University Graduate School of Religion •英文•
  199. •地址:TN
  200. Hartford Seminary •英文•
  201. •地址:Connecticut
  202. Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion •英文•
  203. •地址:OH, NY, CA
  204. Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology •英文•
  205. •地址:MA
  206. Holy Trinity Seminary •英文•
  207. •地址:FL
  208. Hood Theological Seminary •英文•
  209. •地址:NC
  210. Houston Graduate School of Theology •英文•
  211. •地址:TX
  212. Howard University School of Divinity •英文•
  213. •地址:DC
  214. Iliff School of Theology •英文•
  215. •地址:Colorado
  216. Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology, Seton Hall University •英文•
  217. •地址:NJ
  218. Interdenominational Bible Institute •英文•
  219. •地址:VA
  220. International School of Theology •英文•
  221. •地址:24600 Arrowhead Springs Rd. San Bernardino, CA 92414-0001
    •電話:(909) 886-7876
  222. International School of Theology •英文•
  223. •地址:CA
  224. International Theological Seminary •英文•
  225. Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley •英文•
  226. •地址:CA
  227. Jewish Theological Seminary of America •英文•
  228. •地址:NY
  229. Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary •英文•
  230. •地址:GA
  231. Knox Theological Seminary •英文•
  232. Knox Theological Seminary •英文•
  233. •地址:FL,CO
  234. Lancaster Theological Seminary •英文•
  235. •地址:PA
  236. Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary •英文•
  237. •地址:VA
  238. Lincoln Christian Seminary •英文•
  239. •地址:IL
  240. Logos Evangelical Seminary •英文•
  241. •地址:CA
  242. Logsdon School of Theology, Hardin-Simmons University •英文•
  243. •地址:TX
  244. Louisiana Baptist University Seminary •英文•
  245. •地址:LA
  246. Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary •英文•
  247. •地址:Kentucky
  248. Loyola University Chicago Institute of Pastoral Studies •英文•
  249. •地址:IL
  250. Luther Rice Seminary •英文•
  251. •地址:GA
  252. Luther Seminary •英文•
  253. •地址:MN
  254. Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago •英文•
  255. •地址:IL
  256. Lutheran Seminary Program in the Southwest •英文•
  257. •地址:TX
  258. Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg •英文•
  259. •地址:PA
  260. Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia •英文•
  261. •地址:PA
  262. Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary •英文•
  263. •地址:SC
  264. McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University •英文•
  265. •地址:GA
  266. McCormick Theological Seminary •英文•
  267. •地址:IL
  268. Meadville/Lombard Theological Seminary •英文•
  269. •地址:IL
  270. Memphis Theological Seminary •英文•
  271. •地址:168 East Parkway, South Memphis, Tennessee 38104, USA
    •電話:(901) 458-8232
    •傳真:(901) 452-4051
  272. Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary •英文•
  273. •地址:4824 E Butler Ave, Fresno, CA 93727, USA
  274. Methodist Theological School in Ohio •英文•
  275. •地址:OH
  276. Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary •英文•
  277. Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary •英文•
  278. •地址:NY
  279. Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary •英文•
  280. •地址:MO
  281. Missionary Baptist Seminary •英文•
  282. •地址:5224 Stagecoach Road, Little Rock, AR 72204, U.S.A.
  283. Moody Bible Institute •英文•
  284. •地址:IL
  285. Moravian Theological Seminary •英文•
  286. •地址:PA
  287. Morehouse School of Religion •英文•
  288. •地址:GA
  289. Mount Saint Mary's Seminary •英文•
  290. •地址:Maryland
  291. Multnomah Biblical Seminary •英文•
  292. •地址:8435 NE Glisan St. Portland, OR 97220
    •電話:(503) 251-6431
  293. Nashotah House •英文•
  294. •地址:WI
  295. Nazarene Theological Seminary •英文•
  296. •地址:MO
  297. New Brunswick Theological Seminary •英文•
  298. •地址:NJ
  299. New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary •英文•
  300. •地址:LA
  301. New York Theological Seminary •英文•
  302. •地址:NY
  303. North American Baptist Seminary •英文•
  304. North American Baptist Seminary •英文•
  305. •地址:SD
  306. North Park Theological Seminary •英文•
  307. •地址:IL
  308. Northeastern Seminary •英文•
  309. •地址:NY
  310. Northern Baptist Theological Seminary •英文•
  311. •地址:660 East Butterfield Rd. Lombard, IL 60148, U.S.A.
  312. Northwest Baptist Seminary •英文•
  313. •地址:WA
  314. Northwest Graduate School of Ministry •英文•
  315. •地址:WA
  316. Notre Dame Seminary •英文•
  317. •地址:LA
  318. Oblate School of Theology •英文•
  319. •地址:TX
  320. Olivet Nazarene University, School of Graduate & Adult Studies •英文•
  321. •地址:IL
  322. Ontario Theological Seminary •英文•
  323. Oral Roberts University - School of Theology & Missions •英文•
  324. •地址:7777 South Lewis Avenue, Tulsa, OK 74171
    •電話:(918) 495-6236
  325. Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary •英文•
  326. •地址:CA
  327. Pacific School of Religion •英文•
  328. •地址:CA
  329. Payne Theological Seminary •英文•
  330. •地址:OH
  331. Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University •英文•
  332. •地址:TX
  333. Philadelphia Theological Seminary •英文•
  334. •地址:PA
  335. Phillips Theological Seminary •英文•
  336. •地址:OK
  337. Phoenix Seminary •英文•
  338. •地址:Arizona
  339. Pittsburgh Theological Seminary •英文•
  340. •地址:PA
  341. Pontifical College Josephinum •英文•
  342. •地址:OH
  343. Pontifical College Josephinum •英文•
  344. •地址:OH
  345. Pope John XXIII National Seminary •英文•
  346. •地址:MA
  347. Princeton Theological Seminary •英文•
  348. •地址:NJ
  349. Quartz Hill School of Theology •英文•
  350. Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary •英文•
  351. •地址:NY
  352. Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary •英文•
  353. •地址:PA
  354. Reformed Theological Seminary •英文•
  355. •地址:1231 Reformation Drive Oviedo, FL 32765 407-875-8388
  356. Regent University School of Divinity •英文•
  357. •地址:VA
  358. Sacred Heart Major Seminary •英文•
  359. •地址:MI
  360. Saint Francis Seminary •英文•
  361. •地址:WI
  362. Saint John's University School of Theology •英文•
  363. •地址:MN
  364. Saint Meinrad Theological Seminary •英文•
  365. •地址:Indiana
  366. Saint Patrick's Seminary •英文•
  367. •地址:CA
  368. Saint Paul School of Theology •英文•
  369. •地址:MO
  370. Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity of the University of St. Thomas •英文•
  371. •地址:MN
  372. San Francisco Theological Seminary •英文•
  373. •地址:CA
  374. San Jose Christian College •英文•
  375. School of Biblical & Theological Studies •英文•
  376. •地址:LA
  377. Seabury-Western Theological Seminary •英文•
  378. •地址:IL
  379. Seattle Pacific University •英文•
  380. Seattle University School of Theology and Ministry •英文•
  381. •地址:WA
  382. Seminario Evangelico De Puerto Rico •英文•
  383. •地址:San Juan, Puerto Rico
  384. Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University •英文•
  385. •地址:MI
  386. South Florida Center for Theological Studies •英文•
  387. •地址:FL
  388. Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary •英文•
  389. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary •英文•
  390. •地址:Kentucky
  391. Southwest Bible Seminary •英文•
  392. •地址:LA
  393. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary •英文•
  394. •地址:TX
  395. Southwestern College of Christian Ministries Graduate School •英文•
  396. •地址:OK
  397. SS. Cyril & Methodius Seminary •英文•
  398. •地址:MI
  399. St. Herman's Orthodox Theological Seminary •英文•
  400. •地址:AK
  401. St. John's Seminary •英文•
  402. •地址:CA
  403. St. Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Theological College •英文•
  404. •地址:CA
  405. St. Joseph's Seminary •英文•
  406. •地址:NY
  407. St. Mary's Seminary and University, Ecumenical Institute of Theology •英文•
  408. •地址:Maryland
  409. St. Michael's Seminary •英文•
  410. •地址:107 W. Marquita Avenue, San Clemente, CA 92672, U.S.A.
    •電話:(714) 366-9468
    •傳真:(714) 492-7238
  411. St. Petersburg Theological Seminary •英文•
  412. •地址:FL
  413. St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary •英文•
  414. •地址:PA
  415. St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary •英文•
  416. •地址:NY
  417. Talbot School of Theology - Biola University •英文•
  418. •地址:13800 Biola Avenue La Mirada, CA 90639
    •電話:(562) 903-4819
  419. Temple Baptist Seminary •英文•
  420. •地址:TN
  421. The Master's College •英文•
  422. The Master's Seminary •英文•
  423. •地址:13248 Roscoe Blvd. Sun Valley, CA 91352
    •電話:(818) 909-5622
  424. Theological Consortium of Ohio •英文•
  425. •地址:OH
  426. Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry •英文•
  427. •地址:PA
  428. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School •英文•
  429. •地址:2065 Half Day Road Deerfield, IL 60015
    •電話:(847) 317-8002
  430. Trinity Lutheran Seminary •英文•
  431. •地址:OH
  432. Trinity Theological Seminary •英文•
  433. •地址:Indiana
  434. Tyndale Theological Seminary and Biblical Institute •英文•
  435. Union Theological Seminary •英文•
  436. Union Theological Seminary •英文•
  437. •地址:NY
  438. Union Theological Seminary in Virginia •英文•
  439. •地址:VA
  440. United Theological Seminary •英文•
  441. United Theological Seminary •英文•
  442. •地址:OH
  443. United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities •英文•
  444. •地址:MN
  445. University of Chicago Divinity School •英文•
  446. •地址:IL
  447. University of Dubuque Theological Seminary •英文•
  448. •地址:IA
  449. University of Notre Dame, Graduate School, Theology Department •英文•
  450. •地址:Indiana
  451. University of Saint Mary of the Lake-Mundelein Seminary •英文•
  452. •地址:IL
  453. University of St. Thomas School of Theology •英文•
  454. •地址:TX
  455. University of the South School of Theology •英文•
  456. •地址:TN
  457. Vanderbilt University Divinity School •英文•
  458. •地址:Nashville, TN 37240
  459. Virginia Theological Seminary •英文•
  460. Virginia Union University School of Theology •英文•
  461. •地址:VA
  462. Virtual Baptist Seminary •英文•
  463. •地址:Kentucky
  464. Wake Forest Divinity School, Wake Forest University •英文•
  465. •地址:NC
  466. Wartburg Theological Seminary •英文•
  467. •地址:IA
  468. Washington Theological Union •英文•
  469. •地址:Maryland
  470. Wesley Biblical Seminary •英文•
  471. •地址:MS
  472. Wesley Theological Seminary •英文•
  473. •地址:DC
  474. Western Conservative Baptist Seminary •英文•
  475. •地址:5511 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd. Portland, OR 97215
    •電話:(503) 233-8561
  476. Western Evangelical Seminary, George Fox University •英文•
  477. •地址:OR
  478. Western Theological Seminary •英文•
  479. Westminster Theological Seminary •英文•
  480. •地址:P.O. Box 27009, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, PA 19118
    •電話:(215) 887-5511
  481. Westminster Theological Seminary in California •英文•
  482. •地址:1725 Bear Valley, Pkway. Escondido, CA 92027
    •電話:(619) 480-8474
  483. Weston Jesuit School of Theology •英文•
  484. •地址:3 Phillips Place, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
    •電話:(617) 492-1960
  485. Wheaton College Graduate School •英文•
  486. •地址:IL
  487. Wheaton College Missions and Intercultural Studies Departmen •英文•
  488. Winebrenner Theological Seminary •英文•
  489. •地址:OH
  490. Yale Divinity School, Yale University •英文•
  491. •地址:Connecticut
  492. 中華神學院 China Bible Seminary (U.S.A.) •中文•
  493. •地址:20732-30th Place West, Lynnwood WA 98036-7872, U.S.A.
    •電話:(425) 670-0265
    •傳真:(425) 670-0265
  494. 中華福音神學院北美分校(China Evangelical Seminary North American Campus) •中文•
  495. •地址:1633 N. Hacienda Blvd., La Puente, CA 91744, U.S.A.
    •電話:(626) 917-9482
    •傳真:(626) 917-2792
  496. 台福神學院(Logos Evangelical Lutheran Seminary) •中文•
  497. •地址:9358 Telstar Ave.,El Monte, CA 91731, USA
    •電話:(626) 571-5110
    •傳真:(626) 571-5119
  498. 亞斯畢理神學院(Asbury Theological Seminary) •英文•
  499. •地址:KY
  500. 哈佛大學神學系(Harvard Divinity School, Harvard University) •英文•
  501. •地址:45 Francis Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
    •電話:(617) 495-5761
  502. 宣道會神學院(Alliance Theological Seminary) •英文•
  503. •地址:Nyack, NY 10960
    •電話:(800) 541-6891 or (914) 353-2020
  504. 海外神學院(Overseas Theological Seminary) •中文•
  505. •地址:2116 Newport Ave. San Jose, CA 95125, U.S.A.
  506. 紐約神學教育中心(New York Theological Education Centre) •中文•
  507. •地址:22-10 124th Street, College Point, NY 11356, U.S.A.
    •電話:(718) 460 6150
    •傳真:(718) 460 8235
  508. 國際聖經神學研究院(International Biblical Seminary) •中文•
  509. •地址:3217 N. Tyler Ave., El Monte, CA 91731-3355, U.S.A.
    •電話:(626) 442-4254
    •傳真:(626) 572-9606
    •簡介:國際聖 經神學研究院是中國基督徒傳道會(Chinese Christian Evangelical Mission Inc.)在美國的一個分支機構。中國基督徒傳道會成立與 一九八三年五月十八日,其宗旨是中國基督徒蒙恩得救後 ,存回報的心,更遵行主的命令將福音傳給未信之人。
  510. 國際福音佈道神學院(Evangelical Bible Institute) •中文•
  511. •地址:36 Alpine Road, Towaco, NJ 07082, U.S.A.
    •電話:(973) 335-9761
    •傳真:(973) 335-0535
    •簡介:本院創立於一九七九 年,位於美國新澤西州多華谷,距離紐約城西約廿五哩。 校院佔地廿六畝,內有教育大樓、教堂、宿舍,圖書館擁 有中英文圖書三萬多冊;林木茂盛,風景幽美,並有籃球 埸、排球場、網球場、羽球場、乒乓桌等各種運動設施, 為求學和靈修的好地方。
  512. 基督工人神學院(Christian Witness Theological Seminary) •中文•
  513. •地址:1040 Oak Grove Road, Concord, CA 94518, U.S.A.
    •電話:(925) 676-5002
    •傳真:(925) 676-5220
  514. 惠敦神學院(Wheaton College) •英文•
  515. 普世豐盛神學院(Global Enrichment Theological Seminary) •中、英文•
  516. •地址:1740 E. Garry Ave., Suite 119, Santa Ana, CA 92705 U.S.A.
    •電話:1- 949- 752-6899
    •傳真:1- 949- 486-0729
  517. 萬民學院 •中文•
  518. •地址:Great Commission Center, 10538 Black Walnut Ct., Dallas, TX 75243, U.S.A.
    •簡介:萬民學院是一個創新 的培訓模式,為全球華人而設,分網際部和事工培訓部兩個 部分.網際部利用國際網絡的超越時空和机動性,幵展網上 教學,包含預工部(幵設實用英語班和信仰探索班)和培訓 部(幵設信徒培訓班).事工培訓部采取密集培訓的方式,並 設事奉培訓班和中國學人培訓營
  519. 達拉斯神學院(Dallas Theological Seminary) •英文•
  520. •地址:3909 Swiss Avenue Dallas, TX 75204
    •電話:(214) 824-3094
  521. 福樂神學院(Fuller Theological Seminary) •英文•
  522. 際聖經神學研究院(International Biblical Seminary) •中文•
  523. •地址:3217 N. Tyler Ave., El Monte, CA 91731 U. S. A.
    •電話:(626) 442-4254
    •傳真:(626) 572-9606
    •簡介:際聖經 神學研究院是中國基督徒傳道會(Chinese Christian Evangelical Mission Inc.)在美國的一個分支機構。中國基督徒傳道會成立與 一九八三年五月十八日,其宗旨是中國基督徒蒙恩得救後 ,存回報的心,更遵行主的命令將福音傳給未信之人。
【 英國 】返回 
  1. Bangor Theological Seminary •英文•
  2. •地址:300 Union Street, Bangor, ME 04401
    •電話:(800) 287-6781 or (207) 942-6781
    •傳真:(207) 990-1267
  3. Sarum College •英文•
  4. •地址:19 The Close, Salisbury, SP1 2EE, England
    •電話:+44 (0)1722 424800
    •傳真:+44 (0)1722 338508
    •簡介:An ecumenical theological college created to serve the needs of all Christians has been founded in the historic Close of Salisbury Cathedral, England.
  5. South London Christian College •英文•
  6. •地址:Bonneville Christian Centre, 12 Poynders Rd, Clapham South, London SW4
    •電話:00 44 (0)20 7703 9999
    •傳真:00 44 (0)20 7703 5566
    •簡介:Spurgeon's College has been training men and women for Christian service for over 140 years. Founded by Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the College has a rich heritage and an international reputation.
  7. Spurgeon's College •英文•
  8. •簡介:Spurgeon's College has been training men and women for Christian service for over 140 years. Founded by Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the College has a rich heritage and an international reputation.
  9. 亞德斯國際聖經學院(ATIS International Bible College)
  10. •簡介:An online bible school.
【 香港 】返回 
  1. 建道神學院(Alliance Bible Seminary) •中文•
  2. •地址:香港長洲山頂道22號
    •地址:22 Peak Road, Cheung Chau, Hong Kong
    •電話:(852) 2981-0345
    •傳真:(852) 2981 9777
  3. 中國神學研究院(China Graduate School of Theology) •中文•
  4. •地址:香港九龍塘多實街十二號
    •地址:12 Dorset Crescent, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    •電話:(852) 2337 4106
    •傳真:(852) 2794 2337
  5. 播道神學院(Evangel Seminary) •中文•
  6. •地址:香港九龍塘金巴倫道59號
    •地址:59 Cumberland Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    •電話:(852) 2337-0111 或 (852) 2794 6105
    •傳真:(852) 2338-7739
  7. 信義宗神學院(Lutheran Theological Seminary, Hong Kong) •中文•
  8. •地址:香港沙田郵箱20號
    •電話:(852) 2691-1520
    •傳真:(852) 2691-8458
    •簡介:為亞洲 少數可以用中文或英語攻讀學位的神學院,下設:1.信徒 訓練中心:沙田及黃大仙設有中心。2. 差傳及文化研 究 中心:栽培學員的福音心志。3. 路德亞洲研究中心: 推 動神學本色化。4.道風靈修研習中心:協助學生建立美好 靈命。
  9. 中國宣道神學院 •中文•
  10. •地址:香港新界元朗洪屋130號
    •地址:130 Hung Uk, Yuen Long, N.T., Hong Kong
    •電話:(852) 2986 5433
    •傳真:(852) 2986-5387
  11. 香港浸信會神學院(Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary) •中文•
  12. •地址:香港新界西貢西澳年明路1號
    •地址:1 Nin Ming Road, Sai O, Sai Kung (North), N.T., Hong Kong
    •電話:(852) 2715 9511
    •傳真:(852) 2761-0868 or (852) 2630 1378
    •課程:道學碩士、宗教教育碩士 (M.R.E.)
  13. 中國浸信會神學院(China Baptist Theological College) •中文•
  14. •地址:香港新界沙田下禾輋村95號
    •電話:(852) 2395-0958 或 (852) 2395-5898
    •傳真:(852) 2397-6022
  15. 中華神學院(China Bible Seminary (HK)) •中文•
  16. •地址:香港九龍尖沙咀亞士厘道10-14號雅士洋樓3字樓
    •地址:3/F., Ashley Mansion, 10-14 Ashley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    •電話:(852) 2721-2406
    •傳真:(852) 2724-0685
  17. 香港神學院(Bible Seminary of Hong Kong) •中文•
  18. •地址:香港九龍塘金巴倫道十七號
    •地址:17, Cumberland Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
    •電話:(852) 2336 0088
    •傳真:(852) 2338 9908
  19. 香港伯特利神學院(Bethel Bible Seminary) •中文•
  20. •地址:香港九龍城嘉林邊道45-47號
    •地址:45-47, Grampian Road, Kowloon City, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
    •電話:(852) 2336-9197
    •傳真:(852) 2336-1852
  21. 禧福協會有限公司 基福之延續 •中文•
  22. •電郵:jubileem@netvigator.com
  23. 牧職神學院(Christian Ministry Institute) •中文•
  24. •地址:沙田小瀝源源順圍28號都會廣場708-722室
    •電話:(852) 2650 7181
    •傳真:(852) 2650 7211
  25. 整全訓練神學院(Full Training for Christian Workers Seminary) •中文•
  26. •地址:香港九龍青山道128號威利商業廈7字樓7室
    •地址:Room 7, 7/F. Wai Lee Commercial Building, 128 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    •電話:(852) 2194 8573 或 (852) 2766 1189
    •傳真:(852) 2543 1101
  27. 神召神學院(Ecclesia Bible College) •中文•
  28. •地址:香港新界屯門屯富路22號 /  神學院市區中心: 荔枝角長義街9號建業中心1B
    •地址:22 Tuen Fu Road, Tuen Mun, N.T., Hong Kong
    •電話:(852) 2693 4775
    •傳真:(852) 2691 1481
  29. 香港路德會協同神學院 •中文•
  30. •地址:香港九龍又一村海棠路68號
    •電話:(852) 2397-3721; 2397-1636; 2397-5616
    •傳真:(852) 2397-1686
    •簡介:本院主 要提供晚間兼讀神學課程予日間工作晚上進修神學之有心 人士。
    1. 文憑課程: [教士文憑] -----適合中五畢業而有牧者 推荐之在職人士。
    2. 學位課程: 神學學士學位-----適合中六畢業而有牧 者推荐之在職人士。
  31. 南亞路德會神學院(South Asian Lutheran Seminary / Bible Institute) •中文•
  32. •地址:香港九龍廣播道四號二樓
    •地址:1/F., 4 Broadcast Drive, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    •電話:(852) 2336 6263
    •傳真:(852) 2338 8059
  33. 衛道神學研究院(United Wesleyan Graduate Insitute) •中文•
  34. •地址:香港九龍大坑東棠蔭街5號地下
    •電話:(852) 2777 7521
    •傳真:(852) 2777 8220
  35. 聖公會明華神學院(SKH Ming Hua Theological College) •中文•
  36. •地址:香港中環己連拿利
    •地址:Glenealy, Central, Hong Kong
    •電話:(852) 2521 7708
    •傳真:(852) 2521 9370
  37. 崇基學院神學院 •中文•
  38. •地址:香港新界沙田香港中文大學崇基學院神學院
    •電話:(852) 2609-6705
    •傳真:(852) 2603 5224
  39. 浸會大學宗哲系 •中文•
  40. 世界華文聖經學院(Global Chinese Bible Institute) •中文•
  41. •地址:香港九龍尖沙咀山林道50號俊僑商業中心4字樓B座
    •地址:UnitB, 4/F Charmhill Centre, 50 Hillwood Road, TST, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    •電話:(852) 2722 1808
    •傳真:(852) 2722 1098
  42. 亞洲宣教士訓練學院(Missionary Training College of Asia Ltd.) •中文•
  43. •地址:香港觀塘郵政局郵箱62089號
    •電話:(852) 2362 1934
    •傳真:(852) 2362 1943
  44. 香港以馬忤斯聖經函授學校 •中文•
  45. 香港細胞小組教會事奉訓練學院(Hong Kong Cell Church Ministry Training College) •中文•
  46. •地址:香港九龍大角咀晏架街10號牧鄰中心8樓
    •地址:8/F., Shepherd Community Center, 10 Anchor Street, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    •電話:(852) 2772 4760
    •傳真:(852) 2772 4770
  47. 恩福聖經學院(Yan Fook Bible Institute) •中文•
  48. •地址:香港九龍長沙灣道788號羅氏商業廣場十一樓
    •電話:(852) 2742 0071
    •傳真:(852) 2785 4572
  49. 紐約神學教育中心(New York Theological Education Centre) •中文•
  50. •地址:香港九龍尖沙咀柯士甸路二號十樓A室
    •地址:Flat A, 10/F., No. 2, Austin Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    •電話:(852) 2304 8187
    •傳真:(852) 2685 1020
  51. 基督教基立聖工學院(The Christian Cherith Ministry Institute) •中文•
  52. •地址:香港屯門青山公路小欖村47號 / 香港屯門中央郵政信箱212號
    •電話:(852) 2450 5061
    •傳真:(852) 2452 3437
  53. 基督教教育研究院(Research Institute for Christian Education) •中文•
  54. 興學證基協會(Schools for Christ Foundation) •中文•
  55. •地址:香港九龍大坑東棠蔭街5號7樓
    •地址:7/F., 5 Tong Yam Street, Tai Hang Tung, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    •電話:(852) 2788 1566
    •傳真:(852) 2788 1597
    •課程:基督教教育博士、碩士、文憑 、學士、副學士、證書
【 泰國 】返回 
  1. Christ for Thailand Institute •泰文•
  2. •地址:P.O. box 35, Pack Chong, Nakornrachasima, 30130, Thailand
    •簡介:Nestled quietly in the foothills of East Central Thailand lies Christ For Thailand Institute (CFTI), a spiritual home for over 290 Thai nationals who have gone there to study the Bible. CFTI is an interdenominational, short term, practical Bible school
【 紐西蘭 】返回 
  1. 紐西蘭克理學院中文部(Carey Baptist College Chinese Programme) •中、英文•
  2. •地址:473 Great South Road, Penrose, Auckland 1642, New Zealand
    •電話:(64) 9 5266591
    •傳真:(64) 9 525 4096
    •簡介:克理神學院中文部是 一所由紐西蘭眾多教會共同支持之神學院,我們的異象是 秉承宣教之父威廉克理宣教精神,提供純中文之課程裝備 信徒及傳道同工。克理目前是紐西蘭唯一獲得國家教育部 NZQA 承認之Level 7 中文高等教育機構,因此可接受海 外同工申請就讀。神學院中英文課程都相互承認。
【 馬來西亞 】返回 
  1. Tung Ling Seminary Malaysia •English•
  2. •地址:Wisma Eagles, No 5, Jalan TP 4, Taman Peindustrian UEP Subang Jaya, 47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
    •電話:(03) 8024 2270
    •傳真:(03) 8024 2271
  3. 沙巴神學院(Sabah Theological Seminary) •華語及馬來語•
  4. 馬來西亞浸信會神學院 Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary •華語和英語•
  5. •地址:40A-D, Mukim 17, 11100 Batu Ferringhi, Penang, Malaysia
    •電話:(03) 8811995
    •傳真:(03) 604-8811078 / 8811245
  6. 馬來西亞神學院 Seminari Theoloji Malaysia •中文•
  7. •地址:P.O. Box 175, 70720 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan D.K., Malaysia
    •電話:(06) 632-2815
    •傳真:(06) 632-9766
  8. 馬來西亞聖經神學院(Malaysia Bible Seminari) •中文•
  9. 馬來西亞聖經學院(Bible College of Malaysia) •華語及英語•
  10. •地址:99, Jalan Gasing, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia / P. O. Box 141, 46710 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
    •電話:(063) 7956 5621 or (063) 7957 7232
    •傳真:(603) 7956 2326
    •課程:B.Th & Dip.Th
  11. 衛理神學院(Methodist Theological School) •華語及英語•
  12. •電話:(084) 321409 / 330870
    •傳真:(084) 341409
【 荷蘭 】返回 
  1. Tyndale Theological Seminary •英語•
  2. •地址:Egelantierstraat 1, 1171 JM Badhoevedorp, The Netherlands
    •電話:(31) 20 659 6455
【 菲律賓 】返回 
  1. Asia Pacific Theological Seminary •英文•
  2. •地址:444 Ambuklao Road, P.O. Box 377, 2600 Baguio City, Philippines
    •電話:(74) 442-7068; 442-6977; 442-2779
    •傳真:63 74 442-6378
    •簡介:APTS is an Evangelical seminary operated cooperatively by the Assemblies of God churches of Asia Pacific and is located in Baguio City, Philippines.
    •課程:Master of Arts in Ministry, Master of Arts in Theology and Master of Divinity.
  3. 菲律濱聖經神學院(Biblical Seminary of the Philippines) •華語及英語•
  4. •地址:77-B Karuhatan Road, Valenzuela City, Philippines
    •電話:(632) 292 6795, 292 6798, 292 6827
    •傳真:(632) 292 6675
    •簡介:BSOP, now in its 45th year, is the only Chinese seminary in the Philippines. Its motto is equipping God's workers with God's word for God's work
    •課程:M.Div. in Biblical Studies, Pastoral Counseling, Christian Education, and Intercultural Studies (3 yrs.); Master of Arts in Christian Education (6 summers); Diploma in Christian Ministry (2 yrs.)
【 新加坡 】返回 
  1. 新加坡三一神學院(Trinity Theological College) •中文•
  2. •地址:490 Upper Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 678093
    •電話:(65) 6767 6677
    •傳真:(65) 6767 6477
  3. 新加坡神學院(Singapore Bible College) •中文•
  4. •地址:9-15 Adam Road, Singapore 289886
    •電話:(65) 6559 1555
    •傳真:(65) 6559 1550
  5. 亞洲神學中心(Theological Centre for Asia) •中、英文•
  6. •地址:21 Adam Road .Singapore 289892. / Farrer Road P.O.Box 90. Singapore 289892
    •電話:(65) 6460 1306
    •傳真:(65) 6467 6005
    •課程:C.M,Dip Th, Bth, Master of Art in ministry(M.A.Min), Master of Divinity
  7. 東嶺神學院 Tung Ling Bible College •英文•
  8. •地址:1 Francis Thomas Drive, Singapore 359334, Singapore
    •電話:(65) 382-1980
    •傳真:(65) 382-4490
  9. 金鍊靈修神學院 Chin Lien Bible Seminary •中文•
  10. •地址:15, Green Lane, Sinagpore 438917, Singapore
  11. 神召會神學院(Assemblies of God Bible College) •華語及英語•
  12. •地址:5-B Guillemard Road, Wing Fong Building #03-00 S(399685)
    •電話:(65) 6841 1770
    •傳真:(65) 6842 1728
  13. Discipleship Training Centre •英文•
  14. •地址:33A Chancery Lane, Singapore 309554, Singapore
    •電話:(65) 256-3208
    •傳真:(65) 256-2705
【 緬甸 】返回 
  1. 仰光緬甸基督教傳道人訓練中心 Myanmar Christian Preacher's Training Centre •中文•
  2. •地址:P. O. Box 291, Yangon, Myanmar (Burma)
    •電話:(95) 1-223605 或 (95) 1-220955
    •傳真:(95) 1-225132
【 澳門 】返回 
  1. 澳門聖經學院(Macau Bible Institute) •中文•
  2. •地址:澳門東望洋新街23號美利閣二樓
    •地址:23 Rua Nova a Guia, 2nd Floor, Macau
    •電話:(853) 303454
    •傳真:(853) 354144
  3. 中澳聖經學院 •中文•
  4. •地址:澳門白馬行41號
  5. 澳宣培訓中心 Macau Alliance Training Institute •中文•
  6. •地址:澳門台山區巴波沙大馬路新城市商業中心第一期二樓IJ2室
    •電話:(853) 237 500
    •傳真:(853) 238 644
【 澳洲 】返回 
  1. 澳洲維省聖經學院中文部 Bible College of Victoria Chinese Department •中文•
  2. •地址:42 Station Street, Burwood, VIC. 3125, Australia
    •電話:(613) 9889-8206
    •傳真:(613) 9889-8206
【 韓國 】返回 
  1. Asian Center for Theological Studies and Mission •韓國語•
  2. •地址:187 Choongjung Ro 3 Ka, Sudaemoon Ku, Seoul 120-751, Korea
    •電話:363-3247 或 363-3248
    •簡介:ACTS is an evangelical, international, inter-denominational center for advanced theological studies. Its purpose is to provide for academic research and educational training for Asian and African Christian leadership and continuing education.
    •課程:Th. D (3 Years), D. Min. (2 Years), Th. M. and Th. M. in Missiology (2 Years), M.A., M. Div., B. Th., Diploma, Certificate

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本頁更新日期: 11/04/2024
