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歌名 首句 試聽
讚美一神 (Doxology)   [Midi]
1. 聖哉,聖哉,聖哉 (Holy, Holy, Holy) 聖哉,聖哉,聖哉! [試聽][Midi]
2. 讚美全能神 (Praise To The Lord, The Almighty) 讚美上主,全能真神, [Midi]
3. 主手所造 (All Creatures Op Our God And King) 主手所造萬象生靈, [Midi]
4. 神聖主愛 (Love Divine, All Loves Excelling) 神聖主愛,超乎萬愛, [Midi]
5. 頌主聖名 (O! Praise Ye The Lord) 當稱讚主名,高歌而頌揚, [試聽][Midi]
6. 亞伯拉罕的神 (The God Of Abraham Praise)   [Midi]
7. 萬福泉源 (Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing) 全能真神,萬福泉源, [Midi]
8. 榮耀大君王 (O Worship The King) 齊當俯伏拜, [Midi]
9. 頌揚上主 (Praise Be To God On High) 頌揚天父真神,萬古千秋主宰; [Midi]
10. 歡然頌主 (Let Us With A Gladsome Mind)   [Midi]
11. 救主權能 (Jesus Shall Reign Where'Er The Sun)   [Midi]
12. 救主耶穌,愛心之樂 (Jesus, Thou Joy Of Loving Hearts) 救主耶穌,愛心之樂! [Midi]
13. 歡欣感謝 (Rejoice, Ye Pure In Heart)   [Midi]
14. 救主賜福 (Sun Of My Soul, Thou Saviour Dear)   [Midi]
15. 站起,稱頌真神 (Stand Up, And Bless The Lord)   [Midi]
16. 稱謝歌 (All People That On Earth Do Dwell)   [Midi]
17. 稱謝歌 (All People That On Earth Do Dwell)   [Midi]
18. 唱述父神偉大權力 (I Sing The Mighty Power Of God) 唱述父神偉大權力, [Midi]
19. 高歌頌主 (Come, Let Us Tune Our Loftiest Song) 信徒齊來高聲歌唱, [Midi]
20. 讚美天上主宰 (Give Thanks To God Most High)   [Midi]
21. 萬物頌恩 (Let The Whole Creation Cry)   [Midi]
22. 創造奇功 (The Spacious Firmament) 仰看天空,浩大無窮, [Midi]
23. 普天下都來頌揚 (Let All The World In Every Corner Sing) 願普天下都來同聲頌揚我神我王! [試聽][Midi]
24. 諸天讚美 (Praise The Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him) 諸天啊皆當讚美主; [Midi]
25. 萬有讚美神 (Angels Holy, High And Lowly)   [Midi]
26. 與主同在 (Still, Still With Thee)   [Midi]
27. 孩童晨禱歌 (Child'S Morning Hymn)   [Midi]
28. 清晨歌 (Golden Breaks The Dawn) 清早起來看,紅日出東方, [Midi]
29. 早禱 (Awake, My Soul, And With The Sun)   [Midi]
30. 滿天榮耀 (Christ, Whose Glory Fills The Skies) 基督榮耀滿天庭,基督惟一真光明; [Midi]
31. 夜霧已散 (The Shades Of Night Are Now Dispersed)   [Midi]
32. 晨光燦耀空 (When Morning Gilds The Skies)   [Midi]
33. 晚霞漸逝 (Day Is Dying In The West)   [Midi]
34. 聚會將畢 (Saviour^ Again To Thy Dear Name)   [Midi]
35. 晚禱求恩 (At Even When The Sun Was Set)   [Midi]
36. 主今晚賜福 (Saviour, Breathe An Evening Blessing)   [Midi]
37. 一天完畢 (Softly Now The Light Of Day)   [Midi]
38. 晚禱歌 (Now, On Land And Sea Descending) 暮色籠罩海洋大地, [Midi]
39. 黑夜來臨 (Now The Day Is Over)   [Midi]
40. 齊集主前 (Brethren, We Have Met To Worship)   [Midi]
41. 讚美聖父尊名 (Our Father God, Thy Name We Praise)   [Midi]
42. 主在我們中間 (Jesus, Stand Among Us)   [Midi]
43. 會畢祝福 (Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing)   [Midi]
44. 禮拜完畢 (Now The Worship Is Ended)   [Midi]
45. 平安又到主聖日 (Safely Through Another Week) 平安又到主聖日,感謝上主大恩慈; [Midi]
46. 在主日作主工 (On Jesus, Day Do Jesus' Work)   [Midi]
47. 恭敬讚美 (Praise Our Father For This Lord'S Day) 今朝我們恭敬謙卑, [Midi]
48. 歡欣安息之聖日 (O Day Of Rest And Gladness)   [Midi]
49. 主定之日 (This Is The Day The Lord Hath Made)   [Midi]
50. 主設立的聖日 (O Holy Is The Sabbath Day)   [Midi]
51. 真神在聖殿中 (God Is In His Temple) 真神在聖殿中,全能慈愛無邊。 [Midi]
52. 無所不在的神 (Without, Within, Above)   [Midi]
53. 三一來臨 (Come, Thou Almighty King)   [Midi]
54. 三一真神 (Father, Son And Spirit)   [Midi]
55. 永遠真神 (Father In Heaven, Eternal God)   [Midi]
56. 惟獨我主無限強壯 (The Lord Our God Alone Is Strong)   [Midi]
57. 堅固保障 (A Mighty Fortress Is Our God) 上主是我堅固保障, [Midi]
58. 快樂歌 (Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee) 快樂,快樂,我們崇拜,榮耀慈愛大主宰, [Midi]
59. 永生神就是靈 (Immortal, Invisible)   [Midi]
60. 神美化世界 (God Who Touchest Earth With Beauty)   [Midi]
61. 讚美我天父 (We Praise Thee, O God) 讚美我天父,差遣愛子下降, [Midi]
62. 榮耀歸於真神 (To God Be The Glory) 榮耀歸於真 神,祂成就大事, [Midi]
63. 求主轉回 (Psalm Ninety)   [Midi]
64. 常住屬天妙愛中 (In Heavenly Love Abiding)   [Midi]
65. 神是智慧,神是愛 (God Is Love, His Mercy Brightens)   [Midi]
66. 讚父奇愛 (Father, Long Before Creation)   [Midi]
67. 我靈讚美天上君王 (Praise, My Soul, The King Of Heaven)   [Midi]
68. 稱頌耶和華 (O My Soul, Bless Thou Jehovah)   [Midi]
69. 真神慈悲寬如海洋 (There'S A Wideness In God'S Mercy)   [Midi]
70. 你信實何廣大 (Great Is Thy Faithfulness) 你信實何廣大,聖天父真神, [Midi]
71. 真神之愛 (The Love Of God) 真神之愛,偉大無窮, [試聽][Midi]
72. 萬代之神 (God Of Our Fathers) 萬代之神,用你全能聖手, [試聽][Midi]
73. 美麗光明物 (All Things Bright And Beautiful) 一切美麗光明物,一切活潑生靈 [Midi]
74. 我靈頌主 (O Bless The Lord, My Soul)   [Midi]
75. 萬物都來頌主 (Thy Works Shall Praise Thy Name, O Lord)   [Midi]
76. 獨一真神 (Lord Of Heaven, God Alone)   [Midi]
77. 獨一真神 (Lord Of Heaven, God Alone)   [Midi]
78. 真神造天地 (The True Lord God Made Heaven And Earth) 至尊真神造天地,有光有暗顯大能, [Midi]
79. 齊來讚美 (Come, Sound His Praise Abroad)   [Midi]
80. 真神何等愛我眾 (How Dearly God Must Love Us)   [Midi]
81. 這是天父世界 (This Is My Father'S World) 這是天父世界,我要側耳傾聽, [Midi]
82. 耶和華是我牧者 (The Twenty-Third Psalm) 耶和華是我牧者,我必不至缺乏, [試聽][Midi]
83. 天恩歌 (Great Are Thy Mercies, Heavenly Father) 天上的父親大慈悲呀, [Midi]
84. 天父常常近我 (God Is Always Near Me) 天父常常近我,聽聞我說話, [試聽][Midi]
85. 主是牧者 (The Lord'S My Shepherd) 耶和華神是我牧者,我必不至缺欠; [Midi]
86. 千古保障 (O God, Our Help In Ages Past) 真神是人千古保障, [Midi]
87. 天父必看顧你 (God Will Take Care Of You) 任遭何事不要驚怕,天父必看顧你; [Midi]
88. 為航海者代禱 (Eternal Father, Strong To Save)   [Midi]
89. 真神成就萬般異蹟 (God Moves In A Mysterious Way)   [Midi]
90. 主必預備 (The Lord Will Provide)   [Midi]
91. 至高天上耶穌座位 (In Highest Heaven Jesus Reigns)   [Midi]
92. 恩主在眼前 (Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates)   [Midi]
93. 永生之愛 (Immortal Love, Forever Full)   [Midi]
94. 以馬內利來臨 (O Come, O Come, Emmanuel) 以馬內利,懇求降臨,救贖釋放以色列民; [Midi]
95. 凡有血氣 (Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence) 凡有血氣皆當靜默,敬畏謙恭同肅立, [Midi]
96. 新生聖嬰 (A Great And Mighty Wonder)   [Midi]
97. 夜半歌聲 (It Came Upon The Midnight Clear) 緬想當年時方夜半, [Midi]
98. 天使歌唱在高天 (Angels We Have Heard On High) 天使歌唱在高天, [Midi]
99. 天使初報聖誕佳音 (The First Noel) 天使初報聖誕佳音, [試聽][Midi]
100. 樂哉主臨 (Joy To The World) 樂哉斯世!救主已降: [Midi]
101. 一輪明月 (The Moon And Stars Of Christmas Eve) 一輪明月數點寒星, [Midi]
102. 明星燦爛 (Midnight, Sleeping Bethlehem) 明星燦爛夜未央,伯利恆城在睡鄉; [Midi]
103. 信徒歡唱 (Good Christian Men, Rejoice) 宗主信徒歡唱,以心以靈以聲, [Midi]
104. 牧人聞信 (While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks)   [Midi]
105. 聖嬰孩歌 (Gentle Mary Laid Her Child) 馬利亞將她嬰孩,柔放馬槽安撫; [Midi]
106. 空中天使歌唱 (There'S A Song In The Air)   [Midi]
107. 平安夜 (Silent Night, Holy Night) 平安夜,聖善夜,萬暗中, [Midi]
108. 古人喜樂 (As With Gladness Men Of Old) 古代人們心喜樂,仰望景星作引導; [試聽][Midi]
109. 在大衛城裡 (Once In Royal David'S City) 昔在大衛王之城裡, [Midi]
110. 榮耀天軍 (Angels, From The Realms Of Glory)   [Midi]
111. 小伯利恆 (O Little Town Of Bethlehem) 美哉小城小伯利恆,你是何等清靜! [Midi]
112. 聖嬰孩主耶穌 (Away In A Manger) 聖嬰孩,主耶穌,原來在天堂, [Midi]
113. 聖嬰孩主耶穌 (Away In A Manger) 聖嬰孩,主耶穌,原來在天堂, [Midi]
114. 齊來,信主聖徒 (O Come, All Ye Faithful) 齊來信主聖徒, [試聽][Midi]
115. 萬民企望 (On A Day) 正當一日,萬民企望, [Midi]
116. 新生王歌 (Hark! The Herald Angels Sing) 聽啊!天使高聲唱, [Midi]
117. 求來居我心 (Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne) 在昔日我主為罪人降生, [試聽][Midi]
118. 主來尋我 (Jesus, My Saviour, To Bethlehem Came)   [Midi]
119. 有一日 (One Day) 當年有一日,正頌讚滿天城, [Midi]
120. 主愛說不盡 (The Love That Jesus Had For Me) 耶穌向我廣施恩愛, [Midi]
121. 降生卑陋馬槽中 (Behold The Man)   [Midi]
122. 誰躺臥馬槽之中 (Who Is He In Yonder Stall)   [Midi]
123. 屈膝哀禱歌 (Saviour! When In Dust To Thee)   [Midi]
124. 神的兒子從天至 (Man Of Sorrows”)   [Midi]
125. 騎驢進行 (Ride On! Ride On In Majesty) 榮耀君王騎驢前行! [Midi]
126. 主愛何等長闊高深 (O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High)   [Midi]
127. 主愛小孩 (Jesus Loved Each Little Child)   [Midi]
128. 發起歡聲 (Now In A Song Of Grateful Praise)   [Midi]
129. 妙愛找我 (In Tenderness He Sought Me) 主大慈愛尋找我,疲倦在罪惡間, [Midi]
130. 主愛小孩 (Jesus Loves The Little Children)   [Midi]
131. 恩愛救贖主 (Blessed Redeemer) 各各他山上,慘惻之晨, [Midi]
132. 受難歌 (O Sacred Head, Now Wounded) 至聖之主受重創,希世痛苦難當, [試聽][Midi]
133. 城外青山 (There Is A Green Hill Far Away) 離此遙遠有一座城,城外有個青山, [Midi]
134. 信徒,每逢受試探 (Go To Dark Gethsemane)   [Midi]
135. 主釘十架 (O Come And Mourn With Me Awhile)   [Midi]
136. 十架為我榮耀 (Jesus, Keep Me Near The Cross) 求主使我依十架,在彼有生命水, [試聽][Midi]
137. 痛哉!主血傾流 (Alas, And Did My Saviour Bleed) 痛哉!我主身流寶血, [Midi]
138. 橄欖山頭 (Tis Midnight, And On Olive'S Brow)   [Midi]
139. 主被釘死顯神愛 (O My Saviour, Crucified)   [Midi]
140. 奇妙十架 (When I Survey The Wondrous Cross) 每逢思念奇妙十架, [Midi]
141. 奇妙十架 (When I Survey The Wondrous Cross) 每逢思念奇妙十架, [Midi]
142. 為我受傷 (Wounded For Me) 為我受傷,為我受傷; [Midi]
143. 為我 (For Me)   [Midi]
144. 何可曾見 (Hast Thou Seen)   [Midi]
145. 古舊十架 (The Old Rugged Cross) 各各他山嶺上,孤立古舊十架, [Midi]
146. 贖罪之泉 (There Is A Fountain) 今有一處贖罪之泉, [Midi]
147. 主在墓中安臥 (Christ Arose) 主在墓中安臥,耶穌我救主, [Midi]
148. 基督復生 (Hallelujah! Christ Is Risen)   [Midi]
149. 我知我救贖主長存 (I Know That My Redeemer Lives)   [Midi]
150. 戰爭完畢 (The Strife Is O'Er)   [Midi]
151. 復活良辰 (The Day Of Resurrection) 救主復活之良辰!普世快同傳述, [Midi]
152. 宗主信徒歡欣歌唱 (Good Christian Men Rejoice And Sing)   [Midi]
153. 萬靈回春 (Come, Ye Faithful, Raise The Strain)   [Midi]
154. 哈利路亞!主今復活 (Hallelujah! He Is Risen)   [Midi]
155. 救主確已復生 (The Lord Is Risen Indeed)   [Midi]
156. 當歡欣喜樂 (Rejoice And Be Glad)   [Midi]
157. 基督今復活 (Christ The Lord Is Risen Today)   [Midi]
158. 或許是清晨 (It May Be At Morn)   [Midi]
159. 求主降臨 (Come, Lord, And Tarry Not)   [Midi]
160. 主必快來 (The Lord Will Come)   [Midi]
161. 金色的黎明 (Some Golden Daybreak) 當榮耀清早,憂愁消散, [試聽][Midi]
162. 若今日來如何 (What If It Were Today) 主耶穌不久要再降臨,若今日來如何? [Midi]
163. 必須儆醒 (Will Jesus Find Us Watching)   [Midi]
164. 救主降臨 (Lo, He Comes With Clouds Descending)   [Midi]
165. 我知救贖主活著 (I Know That My Redeemer Liveth) 我知道救贖主永活著, [Midi]
166. 耶穌聖名最甜美 (Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know)   [Midi]
167. 谷中百合花 (The Lily Of The Valley) 恩主耶穌是我良友, [試聽][Midi]
168. 耶穌是我磐石 (A Shelter In The Time Of Storm) 主耶穌是我大磐石, [Midi]
169. 主是我一切 (Christ Is All To Me)   [Midi]
170. 當主得國再降臨 (When Jesus Comes In Glory)   [Midi]
171. 羔羊捨命十架上 (Worthy, Worthy Is The Lamb)   [Midi]
172. 尊主歌 (Jesus, Merciful) 耶穌最慈悲,耶穌最有情, [Midi]
173. 耶穌基督是我一切 (Jesus Is All The World To Me) 耶穌基督是我一切, [Midi]
174. 耶穌美名 (Sweet And Holy Jesus' Name)   [Midi]
175. 主名甘美 (There Is No Name So Sweet On Earth)   [Midi]
176. 藏身主裡 (O Safe To The Rock) 我靈在憂傷痛苦掙扎之時, [Midi]
177. 良善牧人 (Shepherd Of Tender Youth)   [Midi]
178. 我愛你名 (Thy Name We Love, Lord Jesus)   [Midi]
179. 歌頌主愛 (Sweeter As The Years Go By) 我要頌主大慈愛,口舌永說不盡, [試聽][Midi]
180. 那有朋友像耶穌 (No, Not One) 那有朋友肯虛己像耶穌? [Midi]
181. 靈友歌 (Jesus, Lover Of My Soul) 耶穌我靈好友朋,容我奔投主懷中; [Midi]
182. 靈友歌 (Jesus, Lover Of My Soul) 耶穌我靈好友朋,容我奔投主懷中; [Midi]
183. 主是道路 (Thou Art The Way To Thee Alone)   [Midi]
184. 慕主歌 (Jesus, The Very Thought Of Thee) 主耶穌阿,每想起你, [Midi]
185. 甜美聖名 (How Sweet The Name Of Jesus Sounds)   [Midi]
186. 耶穌愛我 (Jesus Loves Me) 耶穌愛我萬不錯 [Midi]
187. 榮耀是主聖名 (Glorious Is Thy Name) 親愛救主,我敬拜你, [Midi]
188. 無量讚美和榮光 (All Glory, Laud, And Honour)   [Midi]
189. 慶賀膏立之基督 (Hail To The Lord'S Anointed)   [Midi]
190. 萬口歡唱 (O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing)   [Midi]
191. 來擁戴主為王 (Crown Him With Many Crowns) 來擁戴主為王!寶座聖羔無雙! [Midi]
192. 齊來頌讚耶穌聖名 (All Hail The Power Of Jesus, Name) 齊來頌讚耶穌聖名, [Midi]
193. 賀祂為王 (All Hail The Power Of Jesus, Name) 大哉,聖哉,耶穌之名, [Midi]
194. 讚美上主榮耀君王 (Praise The Lord, The King Of Glory)   [Midi]
195. 尊貴威嚴 (Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned) 慈詳、和藹、尊貴、威嚴, [Midi]
196. 信徒齊來頌主 (Come, Christians, Join To Sing) 信徒齊來頌主,哈利路亞! [Midi]
197. 榮耀歸給真神 (Glory To God On High) 榮耀歸給真神!天地齊聲頌稱, [Midi]
198. 不勝讚美 (Praise Ye The Saviour'S Grace)   [Midi]
199. 大地好風光 (For The Beauty Of The Earth) 環觀大地好風光,仰視美麗好穹蒼, [Midi]
200. 美哉主耶穌 (Fairest Lord Jesus) 美哉主耶穌,統治萬眾群生, [Midi]
201. 主僕頌主 (Ye Servants Of God)   [Midi]
202. 所知大事 (Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know)   [Midi]
203. 聽千萬天使齊讚主 (Hark, Ten Thousand Harps And Voices) 聽千萬天使齊讚主, [Midi]
204. 偉哉救主 (Great Redeemer, We Adore Thee)   [Midi]
205. 奉上冠冕 (Look, Ye Saints)   [Midi]
206. 你當歡欣 (Rejoice, The Lord Is King)   [Midi]
207. 奇妙的救主 (What A Wonderful Saviour) 基督完成救贖大功, [Midi]
208. 我站在主前 (I Stand Amazed In The Presence)   [Midi]
209. 寶貴血泉 (When I Saw The Cleansing Fountain) 當我見那寶貴血泉, [Midi]
210. 讚美耶穌 (Praise Him! Praise Him) 讚美!讚美!耶穌我親愛的救主; [Midi]
211. 頌讚主聖名 (Blessed Be The Name) 頌讚榮耀都歸主宰, [Midi]
212. 歌頌救贖主 (I Will Sing Of My Redeemer) 我要歌頌我救贖主, [Midi]
213. 何等愛耶穌 (O, How I Love Jesus)   [Midi]
214. 聖靈降臨 (Come, Holy Ghost, Who Ever One)   [Midi]
215. 聖靈同住 (Dwell Holy Ghost Within) 懇求聖靈與我同住, [Midi]
216. 聖靈恩光 (Holy Ghost, With Light Divine)   [Midi]
217. 聖徒同心聚集 (The Holy Ghost Is Here)   [Midi]
218. 上主之靈 (Spirit Of God, Descend Upon My Heart)   [Midi]
219. 慈仁聖靈 (Gracious Spirit, Dwell With Me)   [Midi]
220. 至善聖靈 (Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide)   [Midi]
221. 求聖靈來居我心 (Holy Ghost! Come) 求聖靈來居我心,生命靈火在此刻降臨; [Midi]
222. 聖靈洗心 (Holy Spirit, We Humbly Pray)   [Midi]
223. 聖靈歌 (May The Holy Spirit'S Sword) 但願聖靈刀斧,刺透我心深處, [Midi]
224. 願賜光照 (Come, Gracious Spirit, Heavenly Dove) 懇求慈悲聖靈降下, [Midi]
225. 聖靈激勵 (Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove)   [Midi]
226. 懇求聖靈充滿我 (Breathe On Me) 懇求聖靈充滿我,直到心潔如璧, [Midi]
227. 願主向我吹氣 (Breathe On Me, Breath Of God) 願主向我吹氣,使我得新生命, [Midi]
228. 生命運河 (Channels Of Living Water) 今到救恩泉源歡然汲靈水, [Midi]
229. 聖經全真確 (I Know The Bible Is True)   [Midi]
230. 主言美妙 (Thy Word Is Like A Garden, Lord)   [Midi]
231. 玩索聖經 (God'S Holy Word Let Men Revere)   [Midi]
232. 神的恩言 (Word Of God, Across The Ages) 神的恩言,超越年代, [Midi]
233. 生命之道極奇 (Wonderful Words Of Life) 聖經都是真神言語,證明耶穌基督, [Midi]
234. 諸天述說上主榮耀 (The Heavens Declare Thy Glory)   [Midi]
235. 莫局限神之真理 (We Limit Not The Truth Of God)   [Midi]
236. 聖經好像面鏡 (Thy Word It Doth Reflect)   [Midi]
237. 天父聖言 (Father Of Mercies, In Thy Word)   [Midi]
238. 奇妙聖經 (Holy Bible, Book Divine)   [Midi]
239. 聖經能力 (How Shall The Young Secure Their Hearts)   [Midi]
240. 燦爛經卷 (A Glory Gilds The Sacred Page) 聖經卷頁榮耀燦爛, [Midi]
241. 擘開生命之餅 (Break Thou The Bread Of Life) 擘開生命之餅,充我靈飢, [Midi]
242. 奇異恩典 (Amazing Grace) 奇異恩典,何等甘甜, [Midi]
243. 非靠雙手所行 (Not What These Hands Have Done) 非我雙手所行,能救有罪靈魂; [Midi]
244. 我一見這血 (When I See The Blood)   [Midi]
245. 在十字架 (Down At The Cross) 在十字架救主捨命處, [Midi]
246. 你總要倚靠寶血 (Are You Washed In The Blood)   [Midi]
247. 皆屬主 (I Belong To Jesus)   [Midi]
248. 自我蒙救贖後 (Since I Have Been Redeemed)   [Midi]
249. 仰望十架 (I Saw The Cross Of Jesus-) 當我負罪重軛時,會見十架情景, [Midi]
250. 愛救贖我 (Love Lifted Me) 我遠離平安之岸,沉溺罪中漂蕩, [Midi]
251. 祂拯救我 (He Lifted Me) 救主耶穌由天而來, [試聽][Midi]
252. 主奇妙恩救我 (Saved, Saved) 我得恩友,祂是我一切, [Midi]
253. 恩典大過我罪 (Grace Greater Than Our Sin)   [Midi]
254. 永遠生命 (O What A Saviour)   [Midi]
255. 痛哉!主血傾流 (At The Cross) 痛哉!我主身流寶血, [Midi]
256. 救贖 (Redeemed) 主救贖大恩我愛宣揚, [Midi]
257. 主接納罪人 (Christ Receiveth Sinful Men)   [Midi]
258. 靠恩得救 (Saved By Grace)   [Midi]
259. 請講述長年往事 (Tell Me The Old, Old Story)   [Midi]
260. 述說主耶穌 (Tell Me The Story Of Jesus)   [Midi]
261. 寶血大權能 (Power In The Blood)   [Midi]
262. 世上的真光 (The Light Of The World Is Jesus) 全世界喪失在黑暗罪惡中, [試聽][Midi]
263. 最偉大信息 (He Is Able To Deliver Thee)   [Midi]
264. 主救罪人 (Jesus Saves!)   [Midi]
265. 只有寶血 (Nothing But The Blood) 何能使我脫罪擔?只有主耶穌之寶血; [Midi]
266. 耶穌天醫 (The Great Physician)   [Midi]
267. 世人紛紛罪惡多端 (Confused And Guilty Of Sin Are We)   [Midi]
268. 主是生命糧 (Jesus Said)   [Midi]
269. 無論誰皆可來 (Whosoever Will)   [Midi]
270. 生命保障 (Jesus Is My Strong Defender)   [Midi]
271. 萬古磐石 (Rock Of Ages) 萬古磐石為我開, [Midi]
272. 萬古磐石 (Rock Of Ages) 萬古磐石為我開,容我藏身在主懷, [Midi]
273. 念父慈愛浪子歸 (The Prodigal Son)   [Midi]
274. 白超乎雪 (Whiter Than Snow) 耶穌我救主,我切願得純全, [Midi]
275. 耶穌我來 (Jesus, I Come) 脫離捆綁、憂愁與黑影, [Midi]
276. 人心極壞 (How Sinful The Human Heart)   [Midi]
277. 你的罪雖像硃紅 (Though Your Sins Be As Scarlet) 你的罪雖像硃紅,主必使它白如雪; [Midi]
278. 堅決立志 (I Am Resolved)   [Midi]
279. 你必須要重生 (Ye Must Be Born Again)   [Midi]
280. 罪債全還清 (Jesus Paid It All)   [Midi]
281. 我今痛悔 (Because I Knew Not)   [Midi]
282. 在各各他 (At Calvary) 我以往只慕虛榮奢華 [Midi]
283. 歸家吧 (Lord, I'M Coming Home)   [Midi]
284. 回頭蒙恩 (Blessed By Reflection)   [Midi]
285. 莫把我棄掉 (Pass Me Not) 懇求救主格外垂憐, [Midi]
286. 無量仁慈無量恩 (Depth Of Mercy)   [Midi]
287. 依傍十架 (I Am Coming To The Cross) 我今來依傍十架,雙目盲, [Midi]
288. 懇求主垂念我 (Lord Jesus, Think On Me)   [Midi]
289. 今來就主 (I Hear Thy Welcome Voice) 我今得大歡喜,因聽救主聲音, [Midi]
290. 求主施慈憐 (Lord, Thy Mercy Now Entreating)   [Midi]
291. 認耶穌為主 (Whom Have I, Lord)   [Midi]
292. 主慈聲呼喚 (Softly And Tenderly) 耶穌溫柔慈聲懇切在呼喚。祂呼喚你也喚我; [試聽][Midi]
293. 讓耶穌進入心中 (Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart) 你若背負罪擔困倦莫名, [Midi]
294. 當轉眼仰望耶穌 (Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus) 你心是否困倦且愁煩? [試聽][Midi]
295. 為你祈求 (I Am Praying For You) 我有一位主,在天為你祈求, [Midi]
296. 今呼召你 (Jesus Is Tenderly Calling)   [Midi]
297. 有人在你心外叩門 (Somebody, S Knocking At Your Door:)   [Midi]
298. 天父是愛 (God Is Love)   [Midi]
299. 我罪極重 (Just As I Am) 我罪極重,應當沉淪, [Midi]
300. 基督是我盼望 (My Hope Is In The Lord)   [Midi]
301. 主敲心門 (O Jesus, Thou Art Standing)   [Midi]
302. 是否勞倦 (Art Thou Weary)   [Midi]
303. 攙主釘痕手 (The Nail-Scarred Hand) 風暴中你生命可曾遭失敗? [Midi]
304. 只要信祂 (Only Trust Him) 被罪壓傷眾人快來! [Midi]
305. 罪人之友 (Jesus, My Lord, I Trust In Thee)   [Midi]
306. 你要怎樣對耶穌 (What Will You Do With Jesus)   [Midi]
307. 何不現在歸耶穌 (Why Not Now)   [Midi]
308. 請主就主 (Come To Jesus, Ye Who Labor)   [Midi]
309. 安穩港口 (The Haven Of Rest)   [Midi]
310. 跟隨救主 (Arise, Be Free, Ye Slaves Of Sin)   [Midi]
311. 罪人快來 (I Will Arise And Go To Jesus)   [Midi]
312. 世界呀不長久 (The World Will Pass Away)   [Midi]
313. 我要耶穌 (I Need Jesus) 我要耶穌,我深深需要祂; [Midi]
314. 神旨成就 (His Way With Thee) 你願否為主而活,心常善良純樸? [Midi]
315. 你靈魂錨是否拋牢 (Wk Have An Anchor)   [Midi]
316. 我知所信的是誰 (I Know Whom I Have Believed) 不知何以上主恩惠, [Midi]
317. 所信有根基 (My Faith Has Found A Resting Place)   [Midi]
318. 未明神所籌算 (I Am Not Skilled To Understand)   [Midi]
319. 堅固磐石 (The Solid Rock) 我心所望別無根基, [Midi]
320. 靠主歌 (Though Men Despise And Friends Revile)   [Midi]
321. 靈修歌 (My Faith In The Lamb That Was Slain)   [Midi]
322. 時刻靠主 (Simply Trusting Every Day)   [Midi]
323. 永不改變 (Yesterday, Today, Forever) 何等珍美榮耀消息, [Midi]
324. 我永屬主 (Now I Belong To Jesus) 主耶穌愛我直到無盡期, [Midi]
325. 主活著 (He Lives) 我事奉一復活主,祂今在世活著; [Midi]
326. 信靠耶穌真是甜美 (Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus) 信靠耶穌真是甜美,只要信靠主恩言; [Midi]
327. 我永不忘記你 (I Will Not Forget Thee) 甜蜜的應許 [試聽][Midi]
328. 有福確據 (Blessed Assurance) 有福的確據,耶穌屬我! [Midi]
329. 我有真神為倚靠 (God Is My Foundation Firm)   [Midi]
330. 天父必看見我 (My Heavenly Father Sees)   [Midi]
331. 大哉天父獨生愛子 (O Thou Beloved Son Of God)   [Midi]
332. 當我需要主 (Just When I Need Him)   [Midi]
333. 堅立在應許上 (Standing On The Promises)   [Midi]
334. 祂藏我靈 (He Hideth My Soul) 何等奇妙救主是耶穌我主, [Midi]
335. 靠主有福 (Blessed Is He That Is Trusting The Lord) 倚靠耶和華的人真有福, [Midi]
336. 穩當根基 (How Firm A Foundation)   [Midi]
337. 當信服神 (Have Faith In God)   [Midi]
338. 榮耀十架 (In The Cross Of Christ I Glory)   [Midi]
339. 仰望羔羊 (My Faith Looks Up To Thee) 信心向主仰望,十字架上羔羊, [Midi]
340. 更愛我主 (More Love To Thee) 更愛我主耶穌 [Midi]
341. 親愛耶穌 (My Jesus, I Love Thee) 主耶穌我愛你,深知我屬你, [Midi]
342. 偉大的愛 (O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go)   [Midi]
343. 愛從神而來 (Beloved, Let Us Love)   [Midi]
344. 我深愛主 (I Love Thee)   [Midi]
345. 愛是主題 (Love Is The Theme)   [Midi]
346. 美調響在我心 (Melody Of Love)   [Midi]
347. 想念主愛 (Thy Love Jesus) 我晝夜常思念你的愛, [Midi]
348. 我心靈中充滿快樂 (Why Do I Sing About Jesus) 我心靈中充滿快樂, [Midi]
349. 我甚歡喜 (I Am So Glad That Jesus Loves Me)   [Midi]
350. 歡樂頌主 (Come, We That Love The Lord)   [Midi]
351. 快樂歌唱 (Singing I Go) 今我投靠耶穌腳前, [試聽][Midi]
352. 不住的歌唱 (He Keeps Me Singing) 在我心裡有美妙樂音, [Midi]
353. 耶穌之名至寶 (Take The Name Of Jesus With You)   [Midi]
354. 自耶穌住在我心 (Since Jesus Came Into My Heart) 我生命有何等的奇異大改變, [Midi]
355. 快樂日 (O Happy Day) 前有一日,我意立定, [Midi]
356. 為聖須用工夫 (Take Time To Be Holy) 為聖須用工夫,常與主交談, [Midi]
357. 儆醒祈禱 (The Saviour Bids Me Watch And Pray) 救主叫我儆醒禱告, [Midi]
358. 禱告良辰 (Sweet Hour Of Prayer) 禱告良辰!禱告良辰! [Midi]
359. 成為我異象 (Be Thou My Vision) 懇求心中王,成為我異象, [Midi]
360. 誠願祈禱 (Prayer Is The Soul'S Sincere Desire)   [Midi]
361. 我惟需主 (I Need Thee Every Hour)   [Midi]
362. 隨時與主同在 (Still With Thee, O My God)   [Midi]
363. 獨跪主前 (I Love To Steal Awhile Away)   [Midi]
364. 求主教我怎樣禱告 (Lord, Teach Us How To Pray Aright)   [Midi]
365. 不住祈禱 (Don'T Stop Praying)   [Midi]
366. 備心祈禱 (Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare)   [Midi]
367. 主懷沉思 (O Thou, In Whose Presence)   [Midi]
368. 與主相親 (Nearer, My God, To Thee)   [Midi]
369. 主禱文 (Father God, Who Art In Heaven) 我們天上的聖父,願人尊你名為聖。 [Midi]
370. 你已否禱告 (Did You Think To Pray) 今早你未離家前,是否已禱告? [Midi]
371. 恩友歌 (What A Friend We Have In Jesus) 何等恩友慈仁救主, [Midi]
372. 寶貴禱告良辰 (Tis The Blessed Hour Of Prayer) 是寶貴禱告良辰,我心謙卑等候, [Midi]
373. 盡告耶穌 (Tell It To Jesus)   [Midi]
374. 教我祈禱 (Teach Me To Pray) 懇求我救主教我祈禱, [Midi]
375. 每日每時 (Saviour, More Than Life To Me)   [Midi]
376. 主自己 (Himself) 前所要是福祉,今所要是主, [Midi]
377. 求主教我聽主恩音 (Lord, Speak To Me, That I May Speak)   [Midi]
378. 溫柔耶穌 (Gentle Jesus, Meek And Mild)   [Midi]
379. 教友聯合 (Blest Be The Tie)   [Midi]
380. 彼此相愛 (How Sweet, How Heavenly Is The Sight) 愛主之人彼此相愛, [Midi]
381. 兄弟相愛 (Brotherly Love) 同蒙天召姊妹兄弟, [Midi]
382. 萬方團契 (In Christ There Is No East Or West) 在主耶穌基督之中,不分南北西東; [Midi]
383. 永生之主 (Eternal God Whose Power Upholds)   [Midi]
384. 永恆家庭 (Let Saints On Earth In Concert Sing)   [Midi]
385. 萬國合一 (Hath Made All Nations One)   [Midi]
386. 來得平安 (I Heard The Voice Of Jesus Say)   [Midi]
387. 平安歌 (Peace, Perfect Peace)   [Midi]
388. 靠近真神懷中 (Near To The Heart Of God) 有一安歇寧靜之處, [Midi]
389. 雖然四面狂風大作 (From Every Stormy Wind That Blows)   [Midi]
390. 奇妙平安由神來 (Sweet Peace, The Gift Op God'S Love) 有一美意入我心靈; [Midi]
391. 我迷失路 (In Darkest Ways, Jesus Is Near)   [Midi]
392. 夕陽西沉 (Abide With Me)   [Midi]
393. 主永不離你 (I Will Never Leave Thee)   [Midi]
394. 有平安我心 (Constantly Abiding) 有平安在我心,非世界所能賜, [Midi]
395. 完全平安 (Like A River Glorious) 主的完全平安,好像光明河, [Midi]
396. 避難所 (S Aran Am, Saranam)   [Midi]
397. 數算主恩 (Count Your Blessings) 有時遇見苦難如同大波浪, [Midi]
398. 奇妙平安 (Wonderful Peace Of My Saviour)   [Midi]
399. 我心靈得安寧 (It Is Well With My Soul) 有時享平安,如江河平又穩, [Midi]
400. 安居主懷 (Safe In The Arms Of Jesus) 安穩在耶穌手中, [Midi]
401. 全告訴耶穌 (I Must Tell Jesus) 我一切苦況,全告訴耶穌, [Midi]
402. 時刻蒙恩 (Moment By Moment) 與耶穌同死,我與主合一, [Midi]
403. 主賜我平安 (Jesus Gives Me Peace) 為信主處貧寒,我心似難安? [Midi]
404. 解憂歌 (Come, Ye Disconsolate)   [Midi]
405. 主斷開一切鎖鏈 (Jesus Breaks Every Fetter) 主斷開一切鎖鏈,主斷開一切鎖鏈, [Midi]
406. 你孤單麼 (Are You Lonely)   [Midi]
407. 求主察看 (Search Me, O God) 懇求救主,鑒察知我心念, [Midi]
408. 求賜我神聖心 (More Holiness Give Me)   [Midi]
409. 主,我願像你 (O, To Be Like Thee) 榮耀的救主,我深願像你, [Midi]
410. 開我的眼 (Open My Eyes That I May See) 開我眼睛使我看見, [Midi]
411. 求賜真光 (Let There Be Light)   [Midi]
412. 三省歌 (Help Me, O Lord, To Search My Heart) 一省我身,信道有年, [Midi]
413. 我願更加體認耶穌 (More About Jesus) 我願更加體認耶穌, [Midi]
414. 清心謙恭 (Blest Are The Pure In Heart)   [Midi]
415. 青年向上 (I Would Be True) 我要真誠,莫負人家信任深; [Midi]
416. 向高處行 (Higher Ground) 我今前往高處而行, [Midi]
417. 四時近主 (In All The Seasons Seeking God)   [Midi]
418. 主妙愛展現 (Give Me A Sight, O Saviour)   [Midi]
419. 應主呼召 (Dear Lord And Father Of Mankind)   [Midi]
420. 耶穌已愛我 (Jesus Has Loved Me)   [Midi]
421. 主居首位 (Christ Preeminent) 我心屬主,我靈屬主,讓主居首位, [Midi]
422. 我乃屬耶穌 (I Thine, O Lord) 我乃屬耶穌,已聞主聲音, [Midi]
423. 專為主活 (Precious Saviour, May I Live)   [Midi]
424. 更像我恩主 (More Like The Master) 更像我恩主,永遠像我主, [Midi]
425. 渴慕耶穌 (Longing For Jesus)   [Midi]
426. 願主旨意成全 (My Jesus, As Thou Wilt) 願主旨意成全!你旨即我意見! [試聽][Midi]
427. 我於基督 (My Lord And I)   [Midi]
428. 信徒原是神的工作 (We Are His Workmanship) 信徒原是神的工作, [Midi]
429. 死活為主 (Dying And Living For The Lord)   [Midi]
430. 耶穌呼召 (Jesus Calls Us Over The Tumult) 苦海人生,波濤洶湧 [Midi]
431. 我已撇下凡百事物 (I Have Forsaken All For Jesus) 我已撇下凡百事物, [Midi]
432. 任主差遣 (I'Ll Go Where You Want Me To Go) 上主要我前往之處, [Midi]
433. 獻上最美 (Our Best) 請聽救主呼聲「獻上最美! [Midi]
434. 耶穌的腳蹤 (Footsteps Of Jesus) 主我們聽見你呼召說:「來跟從我! [Midi]
435. 當遵行主道 (We Who Hear The Gospel Call)   [Midi]
436. 信靠順服 (Trust And Obey) 我與救主同行,在主福音光中, [Midi]
437. 順軌而行 (Walking In The Will Of God)   [Midi]
438. 獻己於主 (Take My Life, And Let It Be) 我一生求主管理,願獻身心為活祭, [Midi]
439. 獻己於主 (Take My Life, And Let It Be) 我一生求主管理,願獻身心為活祭, [Midi]
440. 求主潔淨我心 (Purer In Heart, O God) 求主潔淨我心,使我成聖, [Midi]
441. 都歸耶穌 (All For Jesus) 願我全心才智工夫, [Midi]
442. 奉你為王 (Lead Me To Calvary) 主,我一生奉你為王, [Midi]
443. 我願就主 (Just As I Am, Thine Own To Be)   [Midi]
444. 以私轉愛 (O The Bitter Pain) 惜哉憂哉,罪人違逆, [Midi]
445. 感主宏恩 (O Lord Of Heaven And Earth And Sea)   [Midi]
446. 當盡本分 (A Charge To Keep I Have) 我有本分當盡,我有神當事奉; [Midi]
447. 跟隨耶穌 (Where He Leads Me)   [Midi]
448. 奉獻身心為主 (Living For Jesus) 奉獻我身心為主作工作, [Midi]
449. 一切獻上 (All To Jesus I Surrender) 主啊,我今完全獻上, [Midi]
450. 將最好獻主 (Give Of Your Best To The Master) 將你最好的獻與主, [Midi]
451. 拒絕魔鬼 (Yield Not To Temptation) 若魔鬼來試探,莫讓他一步, [Midi]
452. 主領我何往必去 (Wherever He Leads I'Ll Go) 背起十架來跟從我, [Midi]
453. 是否將一切獻上 (Is Your All On The Altar?) 你渴望有平安,期望信心日堅, [Midi]
454. 寶架清影 (Beneath The Cross Of Jesus) 在主十架清影中,我願腳步立定, [Midi]
455. 主我愛你 (Lord, I Love Thee) 主我愛你,主我愛你, [Midi]
456. 耶穌恩典實無窮盡 (Measureless Is Jesus* Mercy)   [Midi]
457. 憑你意行 (Have Thine Own Way, Lord) 憑你意行,主!憑你意行! [Midi]
458. 我已經決定 (I Have Decided To Follow Jesus) 我已經決定跟隨主耶穌, [Midi]
459. 背十架作工 (Carry Your Cross And Work)   [Midi]
460. 大使命 (The Great Commission) 所以你們都要去,使萬民作我門徒; [Midi]
461. 聖道化身 (O Word Of God Incarnate)   [Midi]
462. 毅然從主 (I'M Not Ashamed To Own My Lord)   [Midi]
463. 趕快救滅亡人 (Rescue The Perishing)   [Midi]
464. 從你見耶穌 (Let Others See Jesus In You) 當你經歷罪世路程,生活為眾目所注, [Midi]
465. 拋救生繩 (Throw Out The Lifeline)   [Midi]
466. 奇妙的故事 (I Will Sing The Wondrous Story)   [Midi]
467. 我愛宣傳主福音 (I Love To Tell The Story) 我愛宣傳主福音,講說耶穌救主, [Midi]
468. 福音鐘聲今鳴響 (The Gospel Bells Are Ringing)   [Midi]
469. 領一靈魂歸神 (Lord, Lay Some Soul Upon My Heart)   [Midi]
470. 宣傳福音 (Brothers, Rise, Proclaim The Word)   [Midi]
471. 聖子耶穌在世上 (When Christ Jesus Was On Earth)   [Midi]
472. 你的光當照耀 (Let the Lower Lights Be Burning) 我天父發慈悲恩光, [試聽][Midi]
473. 來作工 (To The Work) 來作工!來作工!作神僕要盡忠! [Midi]
474. 找迷羊 (Bring Them In)   [Midi]
475. 時日過去不再來 (While The Days Are Going By …)   [Midi]
476. 引人歸主 (Must I Go, And Empty-Handed) 主若今日接我靈魂, [Midi]
477. 藉我賜恩福 (Make Me A Blessing) 在塵世生命崎嘔道路中, [Midi]
478. 當樂意事奉主 (Serve The Lord With Gladness)   [Midi]
479. 勤兮作工 (Work, For The Night Is Coming) 勤兮怕黑夜來到,趁有日光之時, [Midi]
480. 生命路程 (Where Cross The Crowded Ways Of Life)   [Midi]
481. 生命是神流通管 (Make Me A Channel Of Blessing) 你生命是神流通管嗎? [Midi]
482. 求賜需要 (From Thee All Skill And Science Flow)   [Midi]
483. 一同來作工 (Let Us Work With Willing Heart) 大家一同來作工,同心興旺神家庭; [試聽][Midi]
484. 豈獨主背十架 (Must Jesus Bear The Cross Alone)   [Midi]
485. 與主偕行 (O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee) 求主容我與你偕行, [Midi]
486. 一路引導 (All The Way My Saviour Leads Me) 我一路蒙救主引導, [試聽][Midi]
487. 跟隨我 (Follow Me) 我聽復活主慈聲說: [Midi]
488. 求神領我 (Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah ?) 耶和華神,求你領我, [Midi]
489. 求神領我 (Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah ?)   [Midi]
490. 我跟隨主 (Follow On) 我願跟隨我救主,無論走何路, [Midi]
491. 天父領我 (He Leadeth Me) 天父領我,我深喜歡! [Midi]
492. 慈光導引 (Lead, Kindly Light)   [Midi]
493. 善牧恩慈 (The King Of Love My Shepherd Is)   [Midi]
494. 求主操舵 (Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me)   [Midi]
495. 賜福救主 (Saviour, Like A Shepherd Lead Us) 懇求大牧導我前行, [Midi]
496. 耶穌是我善牧 (Jesus Is Our Shepherd)   [Midi]
497. 求主領我 (Saviour, Lead Me, Lest I Stray) 求主領我免走錯,體恤引導我全路; [試聽][Midi]
498. 主常看顧 (Precious Promise)   [Midi]
499. 什一奉獻 (Bring Ye All The Tithes)   [Midi]
500. 學者們奉獻學問 (The Wise May Bring Their Learning)   [Midi]
501. 向主獻呈 (We Give Thee But Thine Own)   [Midi]
502. 救主全捨 (I Gave My Life For Thee) 我曾捨命為你,我血為你流出, [Midi]
503. 以何獻主 (What Can I Give To Jesus) 我獻何物給耶穌,報祂救我宏恩? [Midi]
504. 一切屬主 (All Things Are Thine)   [Midi]
505. 犧牲的愛 (Something For Thee) 主,你犧牲的愛已賜給我, [試聽][Midi]
506. 奮勇交戰 (Stand Up For Jesus) 興起,興起為耶穌! [Midi]
507. 信徒如同精兵 (Onward, Christian Soldiers)   [Midi]
508. 要全心,要真心 (Trueheaeted, Wholehearted)   [Midi]
509. 眾聖歌 (For All The Saints)   [Midi]
510. 天國今降臨 (The Kingdom Is Coming)   [Midi]
511. 忠於基督 (Loyalty To Christ)   [Midi]
512. 高舉主旗 (The Banner Of The Cross)   [Midi]
513. 靠信心必得勝 (Faith Is The Victory)   [Midi]
514. 決定歌 (Once To Every Man And Nation)   [Midi]
515. 是否十架精兵 (Am I A Soldier Of The Cross)   [Midi]
516. 往前走 (Trusting In The Lord Thy God) 當一心信靠真神,往前走! [Midi]
517. 守信歌 (Faith Of Our Fathers) 先賢之信,萬世永存, [試聽][Midi]
518. 我靈提防 (My Soul, Be On Thy Guard)   [Midi]
519. 興起,宗主青年 (Arise, O Youth Of God)   [Midi]
520. 永恆之君求前導 (Lead On, O King Eternal)   [Midi]
521. 奮起,愛主之人 (Rise Up, O Men Of God)   [Midi]
522. 基督親兵 (Two Opposing Forces Struggle)   [Midi]
523. 基督精兵奮起 (Soldiers Of Christ, Arise) 基督精兵奮起,快快穿上軍裝,真神藉著永生聖子, [Midi]
524. 展得勝旗在高處飄 (Fling Out The Banner)   [Midi]
525. 誰願在主一方 (Who Is On The Lord'S Side)   [Midi]
526. 當點名時 (When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder)   [Midi]
527. 家在那邊 (O Think Of The Home Over There) 遙想我家鄉在那邊, [試聽][Midi]
528. 都到天庭 (When We All Get To Hbaven)   [Midi]
529. 讚慕美地 (The Sweet By And By) 有一地比日中更光彩, [試聽][Midi]
529. 讚慕美地 (The Sweet By And By) 有一地比日中更光彩, [試聽]
530. 面對面 (Face To Face With Christ)   [Midi]
531. 耶路撒冷我家 (Jerusalem My Home)   [Midi]
532. 我父是萬有 (A Child Of The King)   [Midi]
533. 有一處福氣地 (There Is A Happy Land)   [試聽][Midi]
534. 我靈展翼 (Rise, My Soul, And Stretch Thy Wings) 我靈升起展雙翼, [Midi]
535. 我們聚集生命河邊 (Shall We Gather At The River) 上主座前生命河邊, [試聽][Midi]
536. 永生不老 (Heaven Knows No Weariness)   [Midi]
537. 作工 (We'Ll Work Till Jesus Comes) 主安息地我深羨愛, [Midi]
538. 教會根基 (The Church'S One Foundation)   [Midi]
539. 我愛我主國度 (I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord)   [Midi]
540. 錫安雄立 (Zion Stands With Hills Surrounded)   [Midi]
541. 郇城歌 (Glorious Things Of Thee Are Spoken) 美哉郇城,真神聖城, [試聽][Midi]
542. 我愛基督教會 (I Love Thy Church, O Lord)   [Midi]
543. 恩惠主宰 (God Of Grace And God Of Glory) 恩惠主宰,榮耀真神,求將能力注我身; [試聽][Midi]
544. 主的教會 (In Thy Church) 主的教會中眾聖曾居住, [Midi]
545. 在此宣講福音 (Here Is Preached)   [Midi]
546. 聖靈如鴿下降 (Come, Holy Spirit, Dove Divine)   [Midi]
547. 浸禮歌 (This Rite Our Blest Redeemer Gave)   [Midi]
548. 作主新軍 (Glory To God, Whose Spirit Draws)   [Midi]
549. 跟主腳步 (Master, We Thy Footsteps Follow)   [Midi]
550. 已負十架 (Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken) 耶穌,我已負起十架, [Midi]
551. 主耶穌,我曾應許 (O Jesus, I Have Promised)   [Midi]
552. 緬懷主愛 (In-Memory Of The Saviour'S Love)   [Midi]
553. 喫餅飲杯 ('Twas On That Dark Betrayal Night)   [Midi]
554. 主餐完畢歌唱 (A Parting Hymn We Sing) 主餐完畢歌唱,環主桌前應和, [Midi]
555. 遵主恩言 (According To Thy Gracious Word) 我今遵照救主恩言, [Midi]
556. 覲聖歌 (The Bread Of Life For All Men Broken)   [Midi]
557. 聖餐 (By Christ Redeemed, In Christ Restored)   [Midi]
558. 按立聖職歌 (Pour Out Thy Spirit)   [Midi]
559. 真光之主 (Lord Of True Light)   [Midi]
560. 求主賜我堅強信心 (Give Me The Faith Which Can Remove) 求主賜我堅強信心, [Midi]
561. 就職典禮 (Installation Service)   [Midi]
562. 生命靈氣吹透我心 (O Breath Of Life)   [Midi]
563. 五旬節能力 (Pentecostal Power)   [Midi]
564. 永當銘記 (O Thou My Soul)   [Midi]
564. 復興主工 (Revive Thy Work, O Lord)   [Midi]
565. 榮耀歸與最高神 (Glory to God in the Highest) 榮耀歸與最高神!榮耀歸神!榮耀歸神! [Midi]
565. 求賜復興靈 (Lord, Send A Revival)   [Midi]
566. 求賜大復興 (Send A Great Revival)   [Midi]
567. 恩雨大降 (Showers Of Blessing) 心地枯乾軟弱可憐,非藉聖靈難復興, [Midi]
568. 全世界歸基督 (Christ For The Whole Wide World)   [Midi]
569. 清晨之光漸明亮 (The Morning Light Is Breaking)   [Midi]
570. 為世界頌主 (Christ For The World We Sing)   [Midi]
571. 將主真道大推廣 (Spread, O Spread, Thou Mighty Word)   [Midi]
572. 主啊請差遣我 (Send Me, O Lord, Send Me)   [Midi]
573. 婦女們快快來 (The Woman'S Hymn)   [Midi]
574. 信徒奮興 (O Zion, Haste) 信徒奮興!快將福音廣宣傳, [Midi]
575. 馬其頓的呼聲 (Macedonia) 世界正在日趨沉淪, [Midi]
576. 要遍傳福音 (From Greenland'S Icy Mountains)   [Midi]
577. 快放光 (Send The Light) 人海翻騰波中,傳來呼救聲: [Midi]
578. 傳給萬邦的故事 (We'Ve A Story To Tell)   [Midi]
579. 恩愛永偕 (O Perfect Love)   [Midi]
580. 婚禮聖詩 (Father Of Men, Thy Care We Bless)   [Midi]
581. 迦拿婚筵 (Lord, Who At Cana'S Wedding Feast)   [Midi]
582. 齊眉歌 (This Happy Day This Pair We Join)   [Midi]
583. 主裡共證同心 (O God Of Love, To Thee We Bow)   [Midi]
584. 基督化家庭 (Behold The Joy Of Christian Homes)   [Midi]
585. 樂哉家庭 (Happy The Home When God Is There) 樂哉上主所居家庭, [Midi]
586. 願我家基督化 (God, Give Us Christian Homes)   [Midi]
587. 白華節 (The Seasons Come And Go)   [Midi]
588. 為子女祈禱 (Father, In Thy Presence Kneeling) 我們伏拜父神面 [Midi]
589. 為嬰孩感恩 (Dear Friends Gathered, All Rejoicing) 嘉賓濟濟 [Midi]
590. 嬰孩週歲 (For A Year Of Loving Care)   [Midi]
591. 我們眾聲讚美神 (Father, With One Voice We Sing)   [Midi]
592. 稱觴上壽歌 (Praise To God, For Years Of Grace)   [Midi]
593. 父神之家 (O Thou Whose Gracious Presence Blest)   [Midi]
594. 神的鴻恩廣大無邊 (God'S Grace Is Great Without Surcease)   [Midi]
595. 又是一年過去 (Another Year Is Gone)   [Midi]
596. 新年來臨 (Another Year Is Dawning) 舊歲已過新年臨,懇切祈求父神; [Midi]
597. 心泉歌 (The Grace Of God Unbounded Is) 主恩無量,深廣無涯, [Midi]
598. 光陰荏苒又到新年 (Another Year, How Swiftly Come)   [Midi]
599. 年終總省 (While With Ceaseless Course) 紅日飛行無止息,瞬完一輪告年終, [Midi]
600. 今日我眾歡集頌恩 (This House, O God, We Dedicate)   [Midi]
601. 獻堂頌歌 (Dedicatory Hymn)   [Midi]
602. 新堂奉獻 (Be With Us, Gracious Lord)   [Midi]
603. 新堂奉獻 (Be With Us, Gracious Lord)   [Midi]
604. 耕田撒種 (We Plow The Fields)   [Midi]
605. 虔誠聚集 (We Gather Together)   [Midi]
606. 大哉奇妙全能神 (God, The Lord Omnipotent)   [Midi]
607. 都來感謝恩主 (Now Thank We All Our God) 都來感謝恩主,以心, [Midi]
608. 收成歌 (Come, Ye Thankful People, Come)   [Midi]
609. 耶和華神曾應許 (Jehovah, Thou Hast Promised)   [Midi]
610. 偉大真神全能全智 (Lord, Who In Thy Perfect Wisdom) 偉大真神全能全智, [Midi]
611. 求遣賢能 (God Send Us Men)   [Midi]
612. 中華歸主 (O Save My Country, Lord)   [Midi]
613. 離別歌 (Comrades In Faith, Though Now We Part)   [Midi]
614. 三疊離歌 (Our Parting Blest By Christian Bonds)   [Midi]
615. 再相會歌 (God Be With You Till We Meet Again) 願主同在直到再相會, [試聽][Midi]
616. 專心仰望神 (Sursum Corda)   [Midi]
617. 當肅靜恭聽 (Tread Softly)   [Midi]
618. 主在聖殿中 (The Lord Is In His Holy Temple) 主在聖殿中,主在聖殿中, [試聽][Midi]
619. 求造清潔心 (Create In Me A Clean Heart)   [Midi]
620. 樂意事奉祂 (O Worship The Lord)   [Midi]
621. 言語得蒙悅納 (Let The Words Of My Mouth)   [Midi]
622. 仁愛之主 (O Lord Of Love, Thou Light Divine)   [Midi]
623. 榮耀頌 (Gloria Patri I)   [Midi]
624. 榮耀歸於聖父 (Gloria Patri Ii) 榮耀都歸於聖父、聖子、聖靈, [Midi]
625. 永生神的靈 (Spirit Of The Living God) 懇求永生神的靈再澆灌我! [Midi]
626. 垂聽我禱告 (Hear Our Prayer, O Lord)   [Midi]
627. 求全能父垂聽禱聲 (Almighty Father, Hear Our Prayer) 求全能天父垂聽我祈禱, [Midi]
628. 仁慈真神,我們天上父 (Our Father, Who Art In Heaven) 仁慈真神,我們天上父, [試聽][Midi]
629. 懇求天父垂聽禱告 (Hear Our Prayer, O Heavenly Father)   [Midi]
630. 願主賜福看顧你 (The Lord Bless You And Keep You)   [Midi]
631. 願主恩常偕 (Grace, Love, And Peace Abide)   [Midi]
632. 願主賜福看顧你 (The Lord Bless Thee And Keep Thee)   [Midi]
633. 祝福歌 (Benediction) 但願救主基督恩惠, [Midi]
634. 願主顯明恩典仁慈 (The Grace Of Jesus Christ Our Lord)   [Midi]
635. 二疊阿們 (Twofold Amens)   [Midi]
636. 阿們 (Praise Amens)   [Midi]
637. 四疊阿們 (Fourfold Amens)   [Midi]
638. 七疊阿們 (Sevenfold Amens)   [Midi]
639. 阿們 (Pacem Amens)   [Midi]

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本頁更新日期: 11/04/2024
