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歌名 首句 試聽
1. 當盡本份 (A Charge To Keep I Have)  
2. 受難前夕 (An Upper Room Did Our Lord Prepare)  
3. 天使報佳音 (Angels From The Realms Of Glory)  
4. 天使歌唱 (Angels We Have Heard on High) 天使天軍高聲唱,歌聲美妙傳四方,
5. 馬槽聖嬰(一) (Away In A Manger -1)  
6. 馬槽聖嬰(二) (Away In A Manger -2)  
7. 要忠心 (Be TRUE)  
8. 主十架下 (Beneath the Cross of Jesus)  
9. 以愛相連 (Blest Be The Tie That Binds)  
10. 擘生命餅 (Break Thou The Bread Of Life)  
11. 收禾捆回家 (Bringing In The Sheaves)  
12. 主復活 (Christ Arose)  
13. 基督耶穌今復生 (Christ The Lord Is Risen Today)  
14. 靠近主 (Close To Thee)  
15. 我們渴望的耶穌 (Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus)  
16. 有平安在我心 (Constantly Abiding)  
17. 頌揚造物主 (For The Beauty Of The Earth)  
18. 神的路最美善 (God's Way)  
19. 求神領我 (Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah)  
20. 哈利路亞,讚美上主 (Hallelujah!)  
21. 哈利路亞,奇妙救主 (Hallelujah, What A Savior!)  
22. 天使報信 (Hark! The Herald Angels Sing)  
23. 祂是主 (He Is Lord)  
24. 祂救了我 (He Ransomed Me)  
25. 天上的陽光 (Heavenly Sunshine)  
26. 今要主自己 (Himself)  
27. 祂既看顧麻雀 (His Eye Is On The Sparrow)  
28. 為你祈求 (I Am Praying For You)  
29. 我知誰掌管前途 (I Know Who Holds The Future)  
30. 我需要主 (I Need Jesus)  
31. 我歌頌你 (I Sing Of Thee)  
32. 主常引導 (I Will Guide Thee)  
33. 我要忠誠 (I Would Be TRUE)  
34. 樂遵主命 (I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go)  
35. 我真快樂 (I'm So Happy)  
36. 在花園裡 (In The Garden)  
37. 一切獻在壇上 (Is Your All On The Altar?)  
38. 主耶穌真奇妙 (Isn't He Wonderful)  
39. 夜半歌聲 (It Came Upon The Midnight Clear)  
40. 耶穌是一位奇妙救主 (Jesus Is A Wonderful Savior)  
41. 耶穌基督是我一切 (Jesus Is All The World To Me)  
42. 思慕耶穌 (Jesus, The Very Thought Of Thee)  
43. 普世歡騰 (Joy to the World) 普世歡騰,救主降臨, [試聽]
44. 開到水深之處 (Launch Out)  
45. 領我到髑髏地 (Lead Me To Calvary)  
46. 主,領我 (Lead Me, Lord)  
47. 靠主膀臂 (Leaning on the Everlasting Arms)  
48. 願主榮美彰顯 (Let the Beauty of Jesus)  
49. 虔守主餐 (Let Us Break Bread Together On Our Knees)  
50. 主,我願做你的門徒 (Lord, I Want To Be A Christian)  
51. 時刻蒙恩 (Moment By Moment)  
52. 更像我恩主 (More Like The Master)  
53. 我所信有根基 (My Faith Has Found A Resting Place)  
54. 堅固磐石 (My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less)  
55. 主領我經曠野路 (My Lord Knows The Way)  
56. 我要歌頌救贖恩主 (My Redeemer)  
57. 靠近十架 (Near The Cross)  
58. 與主更親近 (Nearer, My God, To Thee)  
59. 親近,更親近 (Nearer, Still Nearer)  
60. 齊來謝主 (Now Thank We All Our God)  
61. 齊來崇拜 (O Come, All Ye Faithful)  
62. 以馬內利,懇求降臨 (O Come, O Come, Emmanuel)  
63. 千古保障 (O God, Our Help In Ages Past)  
64. 快樂日 (O Happy Day!)  
65. 許願歌 (O Jesus, I Have Promised)  
66. 小伯利恆 (O Little Town Of Bethlehem)  
67. 求主容我與你同行 (O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee)  
68. 救主受難 (O Sacred Head, Now Wounded)  
69. 深哉,深哉,耶穌的愛 (Oh, The Deep, Deep Love Of Jesus)  
70. 我的燈需要油 (Oil In My Lamp)  
71. 在大衛城中 (Once In Royal David's City)  
72. 只要信祂 (Only Trust Him)  
73. 趕快救滅亡人 (Rescue The Perishing)  
74. 安穩在耶穌手中 (Safe In The Arms Of Jesus)  
75. 速發光 (Send The Light)  
76. 平安夜 (Silent Night! Holy Night!) 平安夜,聖善夜,真寧靜, [試聽]
77. 自耶穌來住在我心 (Since Jesus Came Into My Heart)  
78. 求聖靈教導 (Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart)  
79. 萬世戰爭 (The Conflict Of The Ages)  
80. 十架不會重過主恩典 (The Cross Is Not Greater)  
81. 聖誕佳音 (The First Noel)  
82. 亞伯拉罕的神 (The God Of Abraham Praise)  
83. 谷中百合花 (The Lily Of The Valley)  
84. 主在聖殿中 (The Lord Is In His Holy Temple)  
85. 古舊十架 (The Old Rugged Cross)  
86. 恩雨大降 (There Shall Be Showers Of Blessing)  
87. 求主來住我心 (Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne)  
88. 惟信靠主 (Trusting Jesus)  
89. 朝拜新生王 (We Three Kings Of Orient Are)  
90. 你在那裡? (Were You There?)  
91. 何等奇妙的救主 (What A Wonderful Savior)  
92. 奇妙聖嬰 (What Child Is This?)  
93. 何等奇妙慈愛 (What Wondrous Love Is This)  
94. 跟隨耶穌 (Where He Leads Me)  
95. 白超乎雪 (Whiter Than Snow)  
96. 投效主陣營 (Who Is On The Lord's Side?)  
97. 生命之道 (Wonderful Words Of Life)  
98. 黑夜將臨快作工 (Work, For The Night Is Coming)  
99. 為我受傷 (Wounded For Me)  
100. 耶穌不改變 (Yesterday, Today, Forever)  

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Email: info@christianstudy.com

本頁更新日期: 11/04/2024
