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歌名 首句 試聽
1. 堅固保障 (A Mighty Fortress is Our God)  
2. 主是磐石 (A Shelter in the Time of Storm)  
3. 求主同住 (Abide with Me)  
4. 讚美真神 (All Creatures of our God and King)  
5. 都歸耶穌 (All for Jesus)  
6. 頌讚耶穌聖名 (All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name) 齊讚耶穌大能聖名,
7. 主凡事引導 (All the Way my Savior Leads Me)  
8. 奇異恩典 (Amazing Grace) 奇異恩典,何等甘甜,
9. 奇異的愛 (And Can It Be That I Should Gain) 怎麼如此,像我這樣罪人,
10. 倚靠寶血 (Are you Washed in the Blood?)  
11. 我靈鎮靜 (Be Still my Soul)  
12. 主是我萬有 (Be Thou my Vision)  
13. 有福的確據 (Blessed Assurance Jesus is Mine)  
14. 頌讚主聖名 (Blessed be the Name) 頌讚榮耀都歸主宰,
15. 流通管子 (Channels Only)  
16. 潔淨我 (Cleanse Me)  
17. 求大君王來臨 (Come Thou Almighty King)  
18. 萬福源頭 (Come Thou Fount) 全能真神,萬福源頭, [試聽][Midi]
19. 數算主恩 (Count your Blessings)  
20. 擁戴我主為王 (Crown Him with Many Crowns)  
21. 每一天 (Day by Day)  
22. 主看顧麼 (Does Jesus Care) 當我心靈深處有痛苦,
23. 三一頌 (Doxology)  
24. 更親近恩主 (Draw Me Nearer)  
25. 美哉主耶穌 (Fairest Lord Jesus) 美哉主耶穌,宇宙萬物主宰!
26. 先賢之信 (Faith of Our Fathers)  
27. 求聖靈充滿 (Spirit of the Living God)  
28. 將最好的獻主 (Give of your Best to the Master)  
29. 天父必看顧你 (God will Take Care of You) 任遭何事不要驚怕,
30. 你的信實廣大 (Great is Thy Faithfulness)   [試聽]
31. 憑你意行 (Have Thine Own Way)  
32. 主藏我靈在祂愛中 (He Hideth My Soul)  
33. 耶穌領我 (He Leadeth Me)  
34. 向高處行 (Higher Ground)  
35. 聖哉三一 (Holy, Holy, Holy) 聖哉,聖哉,聖哉,
36. 你真偉大 (How Great Thou Art) 主啊!我神!我每逢舉目觀看, [試聽]
37. 我曾捨命為你 (I Gave My Life for Thee)  
38. 我知誰掌管明天 (I Know Who Holds Tomorrow) 我不知明天的道路,
39. 喜傳福音 (I Love to Tell the Story)  
40. 我時刻需要你 (I Need Thee Every Hour)  
41. 歌頌父神偉大權能 (I Sing the Mighty Power of God) 歌頌父神偉大權能,
42. 一切全獻上 (I Surrender All) 我將所有獻與耶穌,
43. 我要唱耶和華的大慈愛 (I Will Sing of the Mercies) 我要唱耶和華的大慈愛到永遠, [試聽]
44. 永生神就是靈 (Immortal, Invisible God Only Wise)  
45. 請主進入我心 (Into my Heart)  
46. 我心靈得安寧 (It is Well with my Soul)  
47. 耶穌,我靈好朋友 (Jesus Paid It All)  
48. 耶穌愛我,我知道 (Jesus Loves Me) 主耶穌愛我,主耶穌愛我,
49. 耶穌付贖價 (Jesus, I Come)  
50. 主治萬方 (Jesus Shall Reign) 日月所照萬國萬方,
51. 耶穌我來 (Jesus Lover of my Soul)  
52. 快樂崇拜 (Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee)  
53. 來就上主羔羊 (Fill me Now)  
54. 堅定相信 (Keep on Believing)  
55. 永恆之君,求前導 (Lead on, O King Eternal)  
56. 主的完全平安 (Like a River Glorious)  
57. 神聖主愛 (Love Divine, All Loves Excelling)  
58. 我的眼睛已經看見 (Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory)  
59. 愛主更深 (More Love to Thee)  
60. 豈可空手回天家 (Must I Go, and Empty Handed?)   [Midi]
61. 主耶穌,我愛你 (My Jesus I Love Thee) 主耶穌,我愛你,深知我屬你,
62. 救主的愛 (My Savior's Love)  
63. 靠近父神的心 (Near to the Heart of God)  
64. 讚美主奇妙救贖 (O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing)  
65. 我何等愛耶穌 (O How I Love Jesus)  
66. 偉大的愛 (O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go)  
67. 主,我願像你 (O to be Like Thee)  
68. 來敬拜榮耀王 (O Worship The King)  
69. 基督精兵前進 (Onward, Christian Soldiers)  
70. 求主施恩 (Pass Me Not)  
71. 我有平安如江河 (Peace like a River)  
72. 讚美救主 (Praise Him! Praise Him!)  
73. 讚美全能神 (Praise to the Lord, the Almighty)  
74. 親愛主,牽我 (Precious Lord, Take my Hand)  
75. 樂哉,救主為王 (Rejoice, the Lord is King!)  
76. 萬古磐石為我開 (Rock of Ages)  
77. 懇求主像牧人領導 (Savior, Like a Shepherd, Lead Us)  
78. 歸家 (Softly and Tenderly)  
79. 來復興我 (Just as I Am) 求永生真神的靈,來復興我,
80. 興起為耶穌 (Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus)  
81. 禱告良辰 (Sweet Hour of Prayer!)  
82. 獻己於主 (Take my Life, and Let It Be)  
83. 成聖須用工夫 (Take Time to be Holy)   [Midi]
84. 指示你路 (Teach me Thy Way, O Lord)  
85. 對我述說耶穌故事 (Tell Me the Story of Jesus)  
86. 感謝神 (Thanks to God)  
87. 教會獨一的根基 (The Church's One Foundation)  
88. 主耶和華是我牧者 (The Lord is my Shepherd)  
89. 真神之愛 (The Love of God)  
90. 這是天父世界 (This Is My Father's World)  
91. 信靠耶穌真是甜美 ('Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus)  
92. 榮耀歸於真神 (To God be the Glory)  
93. 信靠順服 (Trust and Obey)  
94. 當轉眼仰望耶穌 (Turn your Eyes Upon Jesus)  
95. 主翅膀下 (Under His Wings)  
96. 齊來感恩 (We Gather Together)  
97. 向萬邦傳福音 (We've a Story to Tell to the Nations)  
98. 耶穌恩友 (What a Friend We Have in Jesus)  
99. 奇妙十架 (When I Survey the Wondrous Cross) 每逢思想奇妙十架,
100. 微聲盼望 (Whispering Hope)  

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本頁更新日期: 11/04/2024
