版權屬 大光宣教福音中心 所有


歌名 首句 試聽
1. 當你缺乏又喪志 (When You Are Deficiently And Lose Your Determination)   [試聽]
2. 願愛我主更深 (More Love To Thee, O Christ)   [試聽]
3. 有時心安恬如江河穩又平 (When Peace Likes A River)   [試聽]
4. 不知救主奇妙恩典 (I Know Not Why God’S Wondrous Grace)   [試聽]
5. 上帝疼愛世上萬民 (God So Loved The World)   [試聽]
6. 安穩在耶穌手中 (Safe In The Arms Of Jesus) 安穩在耶穌手中,安穩在主懷裡; [試聽]
7. 當我害怕信心不穩 (When I Fear My Faith Will Fail)   [試聽]
8. 向我歌唱向我傳講 (Sing Them Over Again To Me)   [試聽]
9. 一百隻羊有九十九隻躺臥 (There Were Ninity And Nine That Safely Lay)   [試聽]
10. 有一恩門豁然而開 (There Is A Gate That Stands Ajar)   [試聽]
11. 耶穌肯接納罪人 (Sinners Jesus Will Receive)   [試聽]

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本頁更新日期: 11/04/2024
