版權屬 大光宣教福音中心 所有


歌名 首句 試聽
1. 耶穌愛我 (Jesus Loves Me)   [試聽]
2. 願主同在直到再相會 (God Be With You, Till We Meet Again)   [試聽]
3. 有一故事美妙動聽 (There Is A Story Sweet To Hear)   [試聽]
4. 在十字架救主捨命處 (Down At The Cross Where My Saviour Died)   [試聽]
5. 耶穌是世上的光 (The Light Of The World Is Jesus)   [試聽]
6. 主是我堅固磐石 (In Thy Cleft, O Rack Of Ages)   [試聽]
7. 慈愛救主懇求垂聽 (Pass Me Not, O Gentle Saviour)   [試聽]
8. 脫離綑綁憂傷與黑暗 (Out Of My Bondage, Sorrow, And Night)   [試聽]
9. 為主竭力作見證 (Now Just A Word For Jesus)   [試聽]
10. 為主拼命爭戰若息 (O Land Of Rest, For Thee I Sigh)   [試聽]
11. 世上有如兩軍敵對 (Hold The Fort)   [試聽]
12. 清晨去撒種 (Sowing In The Morning)   [試聽]

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Email: info@christianstudy.com

本頁更新日期: 11/04/2024
