曲:Traditional melody (arr. David Peacock) 中譯:李貞明 2001

  1. 我天父上帝,至高主;聽兒女祈求,至高主;

  2. 願父國降臨,在地上;願父旨成就,在地上;

  3. 賜我日用糧,每一天;求赦免我罪,每一天;

  4. 領我行主道,更堅強;若遇見試探,更堅強;

  5. 萬有從主來,全歸主;國度、權 、榮耀,全歸主;

[ Father God in Heaven ]
  • Father God in heaven, Lord most high: Hear Your children's prayer, Lord most high:
    Hallowed be Your name, Lord most high - O Lord, hear our prayer.

  • May Your kingdom come here on earth; May You will be done here on earth.
    As it is in heaven so on earth - O Lord, hear our prayer.

  • Give us daily bread day by day, And forgive our sins day by day,
    As we too forgive day by day - O Lord, hear our prayer.

  • Lead us in Your way, make us strong; When temptations come, make us strong;
    Save us all from sin, keep us strong - O Lord, hear our prayer.

  • All things come from You, all are Yours - Kingdom, glory, power, all are Yours;
    Take our lives and gifts, all are Yours - O Lord, hear our prayer. Amen.
