曲:Charles Lockhart 詞:Michael Saward / Psalm 65 中譯:曹敏誠2001

  1. 上主,大地屬你,雨水恩霖潤澤,

  2. 上主,泥土屬你,晨霧恩澤幼苗,

  3. 上主,高山屬你,茂草青蔥一片,

  4. 豐足大地屬你,賜我畜牧、耕種,

[ The earth is Yours, O God ]
  • The earth is yours, O God- you nourish it with rain;
    the streams and rivers overflow, the land bears seed again.

  • The soil is yours, O God- the shoots are moist with dew;
    and ripened by the burning sun the corn grows straight and true.

  • The hills are yours, O God-their grass is lush and green,
    providing pastures for the flocks which everywhere are seen.

  • The whole rich land is yours for fodder or for plough:
    and so, for rain, sun, soil and seed, O God, we thank you now.
