詩集:生命聖詩,402    歌詞由 Sau 提供,謹此致謝!

  1. 求主每天教導我,因愛你甘心順服,

  2. 常存童真喜樂心,行事謹遵你吩咐,

  3. 領我隨你腳步行,藉你恩典心堅固,

  4. 願我常樂於表達我心感激主恩愛,

[ Saviour, teach me day by day ]
  • Saviour, teach me, day by day, Love's sweet lesson to obey;
    Sweeter lesson cannot be, Loving Him Who first loved me.

  • With a child's glad heart of love At Thy bidding may I move,
    Prompt to serve and follow Thee, Loving Him Who first loved me.

  • Teach me thus Thy steps to trace, Strong to follow in Thy grace,
    Learning how to love from Thee, Loving Him Who first loved me.

  • Thus may I rejoice to show That I feel the love I owe;
    Singing, till Thy face I see, Of His love Who first loved me. A men.

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