
  1. 迷路的羊,迷路的羊,回轉罷,回轉罷,

  2. 睡覺的羊,睡覺的羊,起來罷,起來罷,

  3. 有病的羊,有病的羊,求主罷,求主罷,

  4. 愛主的羊,愛主的羊,前進罷,前進罷,

[ The Lost Sheep ]
  1. Lost, Little sheep, Lost, Little sheep.
    Turn right round, Turn right round,
    Jesus the Saviour is seeking thee,
    Lost, little sheep, Quickly turn right round.

  2. Come, sleepy sheep, Come, sleepy sheep,
    Get right up, Get right up,
    Jesus the Saviour is calling thee,
    Come sleepy sheep, Quickly turn right round.

  3. Sick little sheep, Sick little sheep,
    Seek God now, Seek God now,
    Jesus the Saviour will heal you now,
    Sick little sheep, Quickly seek God now.

  4. The Lord's dear sheep, The Lord's dear sheep,
    Press right on! Press right on,
    Jesus, your gracious Lord, helps you now,
    The Lord's dear sheep, Quickly press right on!

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