詩集:世紀頌讚,143    歌詞由 陳姊妹 提供,謹此致謝!

  1. 宗主信徒歡唱,以靈、以心、以聲,請聆聽我們信息:救主基督今降生。

  2. 宗主信徒歡唱,以靈、以心、以聲,真神廣賜無窮愛;基督正為此降生。

  3. 宗主信徒歡唱,以靈、以心、以聲,不復怕陰間權勢;主甘為救世而生。

[ Good Christian Men, Rejoice ]
  • Good Christian men, rejoice, With heart and soul, and voice;
    Give ye heed to what we say: News! News! Jesus Christ is born today;
    Ox and ass before Him bow; And He is in the manger now.
    Christ is born today! Christ is born today!

  • Good Christian men, rejoice, With heart and soul and voice;
    Now ye hear of endless bliss: News! News! Jesus Christ was born for this!
    He has opened heaven's door, And man is blest forevermore.
    Christ was born for this! Christ was born for this!

  • Good Christian men, rejoice, With heart and soul and voice;
    Now ye need not fear the grave: News! News! Jesus Christ was born to save!
    Calls you one and calls you all, To gain His everlasting hall.
    Christ was born to save! Christ was born to save!

      有一首詩歌說「齊來,宗主信徒,快樂又歡欣……」 ,英文是O Come all ye faithful...,「宗主」原來是實施主教制度的基督教宗 派的一種神職人員職稱,「宗主信徒」意指所有信徒,詩 歌呼籲所有信徒一同用靈、用心、用口去聆聽唱頌的信息 ,這個信息是關乎萬民的,就是救主基督為我們降生了。 在聖誕月,我們不單要以喜悅的心去慶祝救主的救生,更 加要把這信息傳給我們身邊的人,像昔日牧羊人傳報大喜 信息一樣,讓我們周圍的人也認識主基督。
      第三節說「不復怕陰間權勢」(Now ye need not fear the grave),不要怕世人的反對、嘲諷,放膽宣告救主降生 的大好消息,誠如約翰所說:「神愛世人,甚至將祂的獨 生子賜給他們,叫一切信他的,不至滅亡,反得永生。」 告訴你的親人、朋友:耶穌為我們降生了,請來接受祂, 一同享受天堂福氣!

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