詩集:青年聖歌 I,150

  1. 以前我迷失在罪途,輕慢主愛,遠離公義正路,
    我真不知為何拒絕, 捨身流血愛我靈的耶穌。

  2. 我真永遠夢想不到,我能得到這樣平安喜樂;

[ He Ransomed Me ]
  • I once was lost in sin's dark night, God's love I spurned, I wandered from the right,
    Rejecting Him, I knew not why, The One who for my soul did bleed and die.

  • I never dreamed I could possess Such peace and joy as now is in my breast;
    The Christ who set my poor soul free Can save your soul and give you victory.
    He ransomed me, From sin He set me free,
    He paid my debt on rugged Calvary;
    He's taken all my sin and guilt away,
    And turned my darkness in today.

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