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歌名 首句 試聽
高過一切高山深海   [試聽]
我要為主活 (I will live for You)   [試聽]
信心中的看見 (Through Eyes of Faith)   [試聽]
讚美的帳幕 (Tent of Praise)   [試聽]
歸回 (Come Home)   [試聽]
愛的血約 (Blood Covenant of Love)   [試聽]
手持火把的戰士 (Torchbearers of War)   [試聽]
歌頌你讚美 (Sing Your Praises)   [試聽]
你同在如天堂降臨 (Your Presence Is Heaven To Me) 這世上有誰能夠像你, [試聽]
我們在天上的父 (Our Father) 我們在天上的父,你的名為聖, [試聽]
直到永遠 (Forever)   [試聽]
Happy Day   [試聽]
更靠近 (Closer)   [試聽]
起來榮耀 (Arise and Glorify the Lord) 起來榮耀,榮耀,榮耀我主耶穌, [試聽]
來現在是敬拜時刻 (Come, Now Is The Time To Worship)   [試聽]
唯有主   [試聽]
基督是我滿足 (Christ is Enough) 你是我獎賞,是我唯一所愛慕, [試聽]
歌頌你讚美 (Sing Your Praises)   [試聽]
羔羊之歌 (Song of the Lamb)   [試聽]
降下復興   [試聽]
這裡有榮耀 喜樂泉源 (Glory/ Fountain of Joy)   [試聽]
愛火燃燒 (Burning)   [試聽]
阿爸對我笑一笑 (Abba Big Sun)   [試聽]
再充滿我 (Fill Me Up)   [試聽]
打破枷鎖 (Break Every Chain)   [試聽]
歇息處 (Resting Place)   [試聽]
專心愛你   [試聽]
牽引我心 (Deeper in Love) 我心的渴望唯你能滿足, [試聽]
耶和華靠近傷心的人 (The Lord Is Close To The Broken)   [試聽]
煥然一新 (All Brand New)   [試聽]
神的烈焰 (Consuming Fire)   [試聽]
耶穌我唯一的熱情 (Jesus,My Only Passion) (耶穌)(Jesus) [試聽]
阿爸的懷中 (Father's Embrace)   [試聽]
耶穌你是中心 (Jesus Be the Center)   [試聽]
你必剛強 (You Are Strong)   [試聽]
因你的愛 (Because of Your Love)   [試聽]
愛的誓言 (Vow of Love)   [試聽]
新的事將要成就 (You Do a New Thing)   [試聽]
到耶穌座前 耶穌我摯愛 (Jesus I come / My Sweetest Jesus)   [試聽]
在地如在天 (Here As in Heaven)   [試聽]
來嚐嚐 (O Taste and See)   [試聽]
在地如在天 (Here As In Heaven)   [試聽]
大聲宣告 (Make it Loud)   [試聽]
井水!湧上來 (Wells Spring Up)   [試聽]
我是美又善的聖民 (Holy People of God's Delight)   [試聽]
主耶穌是聖潔 (For The Lord Is Holy)   [試聽]
阿爸父唱給我的歌 (A Song Abba Sings to Me)   [試聽]
我看見主 (I See the Lord)   [試聽]
以賽亞書60 (Isaiah 60) 日頭不再作你白晝的光, [試聽]
願你全能榮耀降臨 (Let the Weight of Your Glory Fall)   [試聽]
不再一樣 (Never the Same)   [試聽]
新耶路撒冷 (New Jerusalem)   [試聽]
火蝴蝶 (Flaming Butterfly)   [試聽]
是你聖靈 (It's You! Holy Spirit!)   [試聽]
期盼 (Hope)   [試聽]
配得所有 我尊崇你 (Worthy of It All/I exalt Thee)   [試聽]
一日千年 (One Day As A Thousand Years)   [試聽]
齊呼喊 (El Shaddai) 你聽見嗎?大響聲在遠方, [試聽]
壇上的火不可熄滅 (Let Not the Fire Ever Go Out)   [試聽]
齊呼喊 (El Shaddai) 你聽見嗎?大響聲在遠方, [試聽]
神之道 (Word of God)   [試聽]
信心中的看見 (Through Eyes of Faith)   [試聽]
恩典 (Grace)   [試聽]
耶穌謙和之子 (Jesus Son of Meekness)   [試聽]
主啊!我願行事堅定 喔!主你鑒察人的心, [試聽]
引我共舞 (Dance with me)   [試聽]
復興禱告的靈火 (Revive the Fire of Prayer)   [試聽]
真愛 (TRUE Love)   [試聽]
天堂降臨 (Heaven is here)   [試聽]
榮耀運行 (THE GLORY MOVEMENT)   [試聽]
雅歌 (Song of Songs) 主啊!你吸引我,我就快跑隨你, [試聽][Midi]
主,你是我神 (Lord, You Are My God)   [試聽]
祂是配得 (He Is Worthy)   [試聽]
主,我獻上生命 (I Offer My Life) 我的全人,我的所有, [試聽]
我的靈渴慕你 (My Soul Longs for You) 我靈單單渴慕你,我心深深思念你, [試聽]
活水江河 (River of Life)   [試聽]
神羔羊 諸天宣揚 (Agnus Dei/All Heaven Declares)   [試聽]
耶穌我唯一的熱情 (Jesus,My Only Passion) (耶穌)(Jesus) [試聽]
耶穌我摯愛 (Jesus My Sweetest Love)   [試聽]
愛的血約 (Blood Covenant of Love)   [試聽]
更美的約/愛的血約 (A Better Covenant/A Better Covenant)   [試聽]
更美的約 (A Better Covenant)   [試聽]
這裡有榮耀 新酒 (Glory/New Wine)   [試聽]
活著為要敬拜你 (I Live to Worship You)   [試聽]
傾心吐意 (Echoes of Our Hearts)   [試聽]
聖靈之歌 (Song of the holy Spirit) 聖靈我歡迎你,聖靈我愛你, [試聽]
從未見一位 (Never Seen Another Like You)   [試聽]
尋回所愛 (Find My Beloved)   [試聽]
天起涼風時 (When the Cool Wind Blows) 天起涼風時,你在園中走, [試聽]
阿爸的懷中 (Father's Embrace)   [試聽]
你必剛強 (You Are Strong)   [試聽]
不再一樣 (Never the Same)   [試聽]
阿爸對我笑一笑 (Abba Big Sun)   [試聽]
聲音如大水 (Voice Like Mighty Waters)   [試聽]
三重戰場 (Psalm 35/Micah7:8)   [試聽]
聲音如大水 (Voice Like Mighty Waters)   [試聽]
奇妙居所 (Dwelling Places)   [試聽]
進入突破 (Breakthrough Song)   [試聽]
加速的季節 (ACCELERATION)   [試聽]
祂是雅威   [試聽]

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本頁更新日期: 11/04/2024
